Sunday, April 21, 2013

BEDA 21: Lazy Sunday

So I mentioned that I was home all week last week because I just needed to get away from school without really getting away from school. Well, I am sitting in my dorm room now and it feels like I just had a week-long break for which I am thankful. 

The semester is coming to a close we only have eight days of class left--this week and then Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday next week. We have Thursday and Friday for "study days" and then finals week the week after that. I'm nervous and excited at the same time because I still have tons of exams to study for and final papers to write--but I am so stoked for summer!

So I just spent Sunday getting some homework done and outlining all of the papers and presentations that I have due this week. I have one more speech for speech class left--the Commemorative speech. I am excited for it but still don't know what I am speaking about. It's meant to honor a person, place, time, thing, etc. It could be a eulogy, a wedding toast, etc. So I really want to be creative! I was thinking of eulogizing Kendall because I already have that somewhat prepped (but knock on wood!) but I figured that would be kind of like cheating. I wanna push myself.

Mostly, I read. I finished MJ's The Name of the Star and I couldn't help but start the second one right after that which makes me kind of like, "Oh no, this is gonna be a distraction but I CAN'T HELP MYSELF." Ahh, it's all right. I've been disappointed with myself for the lack of reading this entire year so I really wanna step it up over the summer. 

Okay, I am gonna go and read some more maybe and then go to class in 15 minutes...byyeeeeee!

(Ohh! I almost forgot: I thought it was funny that Kendall missed it again this year. It doesn't show up as a Sunday post for him here though because the blog runs on Hawaii time.)

Risks: 45!
Books Read: 10 (The Name of the Star--check here for my updates!)
Thank You Notes Written: 13 
Caffeinated Drinks Consumed So Far in April: 20 


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