Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Sicilian Buttercup Devil

Hey, so, a fish and a horse walk into a bar. The fish says, "Hey, do you got any flakes?" to the bartender. The horse, who's sitting next to him in the bar looks over and says "Yeah, I got some right here!" He bends his head over and shakes his hoof over his mane....... Get it? A horse with dandruff!!!!!!!!! Like, if you don't understand, watch this:
It's basically my life in a box. 

But really....

Anyway, what else is going on in the blog town? Nothing much ova hea. Seriously though, I am doing nothing with my life.... I actually have a plan about something this weekend. It's pretty ballsy...... Honestly, like, I'm a planner, you know me, always making plans to do the little things, but this is kind of big. This is the biggest little thing I've done in a long long long time and I honestly do not know how it will turn out. Maybe I'll blog about it, maybe I won't. We'll have to wait and see. Until then, wish me luck? 

Books Read: 4
Why Today Was Awesome: Ice Cream machine was working again! 
Song Stuck in My Head: __________


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