Monday, April 15, 2013

Ling Ling Herro


I've come to a conclusion. I eat WAY too much. Let's see what I ate today, shall we? I started off today with a delicious Nature Valley granola bar (not the crazy crumb one). After my second class, at like 10:30 I had lunch: a barbecue chicken sandwich with a side of mac and cheese. A kind of big lunch and definitely enough to last me until dinner. But did I stop? SPOILER ALERT: No. 

After I got back from all my classes, which was probably around 1:30, I finished my bag of tortilla chips that was about like 1/4th full. And it was a big bag, let me just say. THEY ARE SO GOOD LIKE I HONESTLY CANNOT EVEN. Then at work I ate another granola bar 'cause they are amazing. 

Then I thought for dinner I would get something small. NOPE. I got a burrito. IT WAS A HUGE BURRITO AND I ATE THE WHOLE THING. It wasn't the greatest, you know, dining hall food, but still. 

So at that point, I was decently full, content for the rest of the night. But when Kelsey came into my room like 30 minutes later and asked if I wanted to go get crepes, I couldn't resist. I got an ice cream and nutella crepe and it was so good. I usually have a hard time eating a crepe because it is huge and it's in the shape of a cone and it makes me so happy but I AM GOING TO EXPLODE!!!

Oh, and I just drank two cups of apple cider. WHY AM I NOT FATTER!?!?!?!?!?

I am not complaining though. 

UPDATE: 11:30. Bowl of cinnamon toast crunch. Fattie for lyph.

Books Read: 4
Why Today Was Awesome: Chinese Slanguage
Song Stuck In My Head: (What is going on, seriously.)


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