Friday, April 19, 2013

Polka Dotted Coconuts

Hey guys!!

Sorry about that. I was hanging out with some friends last night and we weren't going to get back until past 12 so I had to make a impromptu short post. 

Anyway, yeah, yesterday was cool I guess. Not really though. It was so rainy and cold I hated it. But then when I look at the weather thing on my phone it looks so nice for next week and I can't wait. But yeah. Also, there was this huge block party type event thing on campus yesterday called Husky Fest. It honestly would have been a lot cooler if it wasn't raining. They had a bunch of free stuff and there were people who performed and stuff and things but it was too cold and wet. 

Yes. That is my life. I also took a picture of Rebecca and Jen when they were at fair because creep pho lyphe. It's cool that they are having fun. That makes two of us.... Ha ha just kidding, it's awesome that they are there. Okay, time for me to go. BAI!!!

Books Read: 4
Why Today Was Awesome: Free T-Shirt!
Song Stuck In My Head: "Losing a Future" by Alex Day


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