Thursday, April 25, 2013

BEDA 25: Presentations Left, Right, and Center!

Today, Kendall went running and I had two presentations. Very productive day! I fell asleep last night at midnight and set my alarm for 3am. But I woke up, took one look at the alarm, and pushed it back to 6:30am. But no worries, everything that needed to be done was done eventually throughout the day. 

Final projects and finals are fast approaching like a stampede of determined rhinos--I've got to finish an essay tonight, I've got a presentation and quiz tomorrow, a dinner on Saturday, a problem set and another dinner on Monday, a paper on Tuesday and two tests on Wednesday. And then finals! Also. Meetings. Let's do this cheehoo style guys--CAN DO!

Despite these things that are all going on at the same time, I am feeling strangely happy. I am currently in the process of completing something right now, something that could bring about good change in the near future and I can't talk about it yet because I don't want to jinx it in anyway and I don't want to assume anything for now because it'd suck if it actually doesn't happen. I've been stressing about it for the past 48 hours now (and running) but hopefully, once everything is confirmed, I will have time to be excited and freak the freak out. Send me some lucky vibes y'all!

Ahh yess exactly! Those college dorm life moments. Although I am going to be living at home next year, I'm sure I'll still find some reason to hang out some of the time right? On Monday, when we were all trying to finish our speeches, Quentin asked me, "How are you going to be able to do this next year?!" He gesticulated to indicate the whole room in general to make his point. He and I were the only ones in the room who aren't gonna be living on campus next year because he's found an apartment and the others are all gonna be roommates. I mean, I don't know. I'll still hang out with them. Just not until 3am in the mornings anymore?

If college dorm life moments can teach us only one thing, it is the importance of living in the moment--every moment you get, whether it means going on a 1AM Dicks run or soul-bearing storytelling over YanYans and watery green tea, as long as you're living for the moment and noticing the little things and are following the impulses that make you young, then you know you're alive. And you know there can be no regrets. I have the perfect song for this too: Live My Life by The Runaway State

Risks: 46 
Books Read: 10 
Thank You Notes Written: 13 
Caffeinated Drinks Consumed So Far in April: 25 (NONE TODAY WHAAAT)


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