Wednesday, April 10, 2013

BEDA 10: So Much Walking

This will not be an insightful post. Just saying.

If my feet could talk, they'd be screaming right now. I have literally (misused!) been on my feet since 5am this morning. Tons of walking and not-good-for-walking shoes, together, mean an unhappy Jen.

We had Scholar to Scholar Day today which is something that made my day better because it was fun. I definitely think it deserves way more attention than I am willing to devote to it at the very moment so I will save that for a later date, and by "a later date," I mean, like, after this hell of a week is over. 

I had a meeting with Mr. Martin which was, unexpectedly, one of the brightest spots of my day. He's helping us out with decorations for Relay. Again, my attention should be directed at something else right now rather than this blog post (sorry guys), so this should be quick, and so I have to be brief. Basically, Mr. Martin is just so amazing--hands down one of the best people around.

Then I had tasks to complete and meetings to go to and if I go into those, I will start wanting to kill myself way more than I need to right now. So let's just say I was busy for quite a while.

I'm working at A lounge with Rebecca because Daisy is asleep and I know she's tired. And I'm blasting "Get Low" right now so I can stay awake. I can feel you all judging me.

I can't even think right now, sorry, guys. I'm just gonna say bye before I say anything dumb. Oh wait...

Risks: 44 
Books Read: 8
Thank You Notes Written: 13 
Caffeinated Drinks Consumed So Far in April: 14 (It is still April 10...not good...)


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