Thursday, April 11, 2013

Like Costco Samples But Bigger

Hey guys!!!

HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!! TO ALL OF YOU!!!! Not me though. Definitely not to me. 

Yeah, today is my birthday. It's kind of weird actually. I'm used to being super busy and not having anything super interesting going on during my birthday. Last year, did I take the Trig-Star on my birthday? I feel like I did... That was fun, I won too, so good times.

Anyway, yeah. Birthday. You know how people jokingly say that they have a birthday week or birthday month? Well, why can't we all have a birthday life? Why can't we celebrate our lives everyday of the year? Granted, that would make your birthday day a little less special, so we could have a birthday year day every year. Just as long as we are all able to just celebrate all year long. You guys deserve, you know? Life is too awesome not to celebrate each and everyday.

Okay, yeah, I'm off. My birthday is only half way through right now and so far so good. Until tomorrow!!!

Why Today Was Awesome: Birthday Life
Books Read: 4
Song Stuck In My Head: "Affected" by Meghan Tonjes


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