Thursday, April 4, 2013


I just posted my BEDA 2 updates and I saw that Kendall was online and I went on his post to read what he was still typing and REALLY? From what I read, he'll have some sort of like "WATER YOU DOING JEN? COME ON BAH GET YOUR $#%& TOGETHER IT IS APRIL, WOMAN!" feel to his post. I can feel it. He is judging me. Yeah, I can feel your judge rays, Kermsie.

Seriously though. This one is a funny story. Eh, depends on how you look at it. But first--to the shower!


Okay, freshly showered and cleaner me is ready for this. 

So yes, Wednesday quite the rollercoaster. But first, you may have already noticed that the stamp on this post says "Thursday, April 4, 2013" and Kendall, you can see that this is stamped "12:00am."

Now, how did this happen? Let me tell you a story, children.

I was running on three hours of sleep because as you may recall, I had gone to sleep on Tuesday night at 11pm and then woke up at 2am on what was technically Wednesday morning. So by the time I headed to breakfast at 7:30, I had already been up for five and a half hours with a full day ahead of me. The next time I could conceivably believe to be back in bed was not until around 8pm at the very earliest. So you add that to me being a teenage girl and me being a stressed out college student and Relay committee member with Relay being only a little over a week away, and the fact that I'm bipolar, you can imagine what a zombie wreck I was. Well. Believe it.

To be honest, I can't seem to remember much of it because my mind was just like, "NOPE. No available data space for terrible moments. Delete." I know that I went to all of my classes (I did!) on Wednesday. So after breakfast, I had two logic classes back to back. And I managed to stay awake only because I kept rubbing my eyes open. I apparently looked grumpy because Shannon commented on how upset I seemed to look and asked if I was ok. I told her it was just my face. I was making an effort to turn the day around though with my earbuds in my ears every moment that I could listen to my iPod. And it was working for the most part. I had to table for Relay and make phone calls during my break and then I had 335 class and then work and then speech lab. Speech lab was probably the worst one because it was my fourth class of the day and I knew I had to go to work and then do flyering for an hour and a half after that and then a committee meeting until probably 8 or something later so I was just trying to hold on. Also, because it was one of those lecture days and we never have lecture on speech lab days. But we did on Wednesday. 

So fast forward past work, past flyering around campus, and then stop and resume play at the meeting at 6:30. I had already been up for a total of 16 hours. The food at the meeting was probably the best food we've ever had at meetings. And it was on the last committee meeting! Anyway, my friend, Ashley, and I didn't leave until almost 9 and then we walked over to Architecture to pick up Rebecca so we could all shuttle back to the dorms together. Now, at this point, I was past the "Tired" phase of "Zombie Wreck." I was well on "Deranged." And because Ashley's weirdness just brings out my weirdness (I swear, that girl is so weird we can't even take her anywhere...), the walk to architecture involved meowing and scared monkey noises and creeper "What if there's a rapist hiding there?" paranoia. 

The three of us shuttle back to the dorms and then we grabbed a huge Relay banner and a bunch of purple cups from my room and then we turned into ninjas and put up a Relay display along this fence by one of the dorms. We put up the banner and then forced the cups into the chainlink fence holes to spell hope and tied ribbons all over. That took some time. And even more weirdness. Rebecca-Ashley-Jen times are always fun times.

Anyway, we finished at probably around 11:30 and we retreated to my room to eat some congratulatory blueberry bagels and organic cream cheese because, really, what else can you do when you've just spent almost two hours sticking things on a fence and trying (and failing) not to wake everyone up with your crackly cups, creepy meowing, and "HO" antics. Then, after three bagels lots of cream cheese and conversations about fluffy black cats, bloody stool diagnoses, and more, I kicked out the two girls at around 11:55 owing to the fact that "GUYS I AM IN DESPERATE NEED OF SLEEP." Anyway, by the time we cleaned up and they left, I was ready to go to bed but only after I took out my charger and plugged in my phone and then made sure my laptop was in my bag aND OMG LAPTOP INTERNET BLOGGER BEDA BLOG. All of those words just flashed in my head within half a second and I start freaking out because on our way to get Rebecca, I was thinking in my head, "Ok Jen, you need to finish Tuesday's blog and then blog for today before you get some well-neede sleep."

And I looked at the clock on my desk. 11:58. 

I yanked my bag open, took out my laptop, turned it on, plugged in the ethernet cable and frantically prayed to the BEDA Gods to please, please, please, please, let me just post something before it turns into midnight.


See, this is where I messed up. Upon seeing the 11:59, I told myself that I still had a full minute when I really didn't. Once it is midnight, it is Thursday. So the latest that I could hit post was really 11:59:59.

I quickly opened Chrome, thanked the Gods that I never log out of my Google account, opened Blogger and then created a new post. I simply typed "POST" for both the title and the body and then clicked "Publish." And I looked at the clock. 

Still 11:59. 

Whew. I was clear.


There was that awkward second and a half when Bloggers is "Publishing..." and then turns into "Published!" And when it turned into an exclamatory affirmation of my clicking the "Publish" button, it turned into midnight. 

And it was stamped at 12:00am which means it was Thursday. There went my BEDA 3 post.

GUYS WHAT IS LIFE. Honestly, I don't feel upset. I had a good "NOOOOOOOOOOOOO" moment in my room just because Daisy isn't here for the week and I could make that heartbreaking sound, but I made quite the valiant effort, right? I shut down my computer after that and went straight to sleep because, well, because 22 hours. Enough said. 22 HOURS GUYS.

So, Kerms. Thanks for calling me out and always having high expectations of me. It keeps me on my toes and always reminds me to do my best. Aprils are always so busy and yes, it seems as if last April was harder, but again, these are different circumstances. We are no longer in an environment where we constantly have to have to work OR ELSE YOU DIE. I mean, come on, let's be honest here: you're playing video games man! Which is totes fine because I fool around way more now than I have ever done in my entire life.  (I mean, confession time, I sit and look up rap lyrics and rap along with my Spotify radio for hours. No joke. It's happened. Like what even right?)

But, come on, bah. If we're gonna be calling each other out publicly here...What is with the short and vague posts? What is with this unacceptable lack of detail? Your BEWTY posts are basically just lists of "cray" things that you did in the week, and now that we're doing BEDA, a twice a year month-long window where our FIVE readers can actually look into our lives, you suddenly revert into a self-deprecating "My life is so mundane" spiel? Where is the substantive message, the drama? The plot twists? The interpretations of symbols in your life ?? I THINK OUR FIVE READERS DESERVE WAY MORE THAN WHAT YOU ARE GIVING THEM RIGHT NOW KERMS.

Anyway, enough calling out Kerms in public. That is, until he posts something meaningful.

All in all, I am slowly learning that I have to be happy not only for my accomplishments but also for my failures, so long as my failures are successful. A failure is only a failed failure if you let it be; it becomes a successful failure when you try and you learn from it.

So that is it for BEDA 3 and now, it is 9pm and I'm going to go write BEDA 4. Lesson learned!

Risks: 44 
Books Read: 8
Thank You Notes Written: 13 
Caffeinated Drinks Consumed So Far in April: 5


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