Monday, April 29, 2013

BEDA 29: Cruise Day

Yep today was cruise day. The only thing due today was my problem set for logic...and I managed to forget that between the pages of my notebook. Oh Jen. I had decided to leave my regular notebook behind in my room this morning and decided to take my new "Review for Finals" notebook instead because I knew that we were just reviewing in class anyway. But I forgot my homework in it. Oh Jen. It was okay though, no worries. Just getting a zero on that one but it was the only one that I missed this semester so I should be okay right? Right.

In response to Kendall's post, I like the idea of "Treat Yo Self" day. Although, I am going have to disagree on the "Should I take the elevator to the second floor?" nonsense. NO. UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES BESIDES DISABILITY AND/OR INJURY SHOULD YOU TAKE THE ELEVATOR TO THE SECOND FLOOR (or to any floor that is either above or below you for that matter) EVEN IF IT IS YOUR TREAT YO SELF DAY. Treat Yo Self Day is good but not when you infringe upon other people's right to enjoy their own Treat Yo Self days without getting pissed at someone who takes the elevator to the second floor. Just. No.

See, I forgot what happened today because I was so inflamed by this topic. Um. Oh yeah. Cruise day. I had review sessions for two logic classes, I already finished my presentation for my poli sci class on Friday so I just watched other people's presentations, and then we had Kealoha as a guest speaker for speech lecture. And then I went to work, then left early to go to this awards plus dinner thing. The highlight was definitely the free lamb. Yep. Free delicious lamb. YUMMMMSSSSS.

Now ends cruise day, however, as I now have to finish my section of the final paper due to be turned in in class tomorrow and then practice for a commemorative speech on Wednesday. Then the rest of the week will be spent beasting out more final papers and getting a head start on studying for finals next week. Boo to all the yeahs guys.

Okay, the lamb's getting to my head so I should try to get as much of this paper done before I go completely crazy.

Risks: 46 
Books Read: 10 
Thank You Notes Written: 15 
Caffeinated Drinks Consumed So Far in April: 26 


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