Thursday, August 8, 2013

Wake Me Up When It's All Over

Hey guys!

Today I hung out with Rachel, which was always a fun time. Duuuuuuddddeee I slept so much last night. It was kind of amazing. I love sleep so much, I need to do that more often. 

I have a really cool idea and plan that I want to do, but I haven't found the time. It's gonna be great though, just you wait. You will all see!!

Okay, I need to sleep some more, because, you know, that's a thing. 

Bai guys!

Times Eaten At Chipotle: 12 (This is staying here and you can't do anything about it)
Why Today Was Awesome: Free Coldstone (And Rachel fun times!)
Books Read: 6 
Song Stuck In My Head:


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