Thursday, August 29, 2013

Two's a Whole Lot Lonelier Than One

Hey guys!

Today was just another day at work. It's kind of funny. My days have turned into doing rounds. I'll take the mail, go to the bookstore, get water, then see if Mr. U needs help and do his errands. Then in between I do work for all the other offices. Like, honestly, because they abolished slave labor, I've become the new slave. Like, I don't know what they will do once I'm gone. 

But yeah, it's fun. I'm enjoying my time left here. I leave in 20 days and I hope to make the most of it. I got to talk to Jen today. She seemed good. I'm glad. I can imagine how overwhelming being dumped in a brand new city and environment can be and I commend her on her efforts. 

So yeah, that's my life. Standard stuff. Tomorrow is gonna be a busy day preparing for all the after school classes that officially start on Tuesday. I'm sad that BEDA is coming to an end, but that's alright. There's always the next A month!

Times Eaten At Chipotle: 12 (This is staying here and you can't do anything about it)  
Why Today Was Awesome: New Monitor
Books Read: 6 
Song Stuck In My Head: 


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