Sunday, August 25, 2013

A Mask That Portrays That We Don't Need Grace

Hey guys!

Hey, Jen IS alive!!!! That's cool! I'm glad that she is getting settled in. The alone day was kind of sad, but at the same time it's kind of cool that she had an experience like that. I mean, it sucks being sad and all, but being sad always give you new insight and it's something to lean from. 

Today I got to hang out with Tiffany and I helped her out with her math placement exam that she had to take. It was actually really cool and fun. I really enjoy spending time with Tiffany and I feel like we really got to talk about good things and life and everything. It made me happy. 

Tomorrow school "starts" for me, kind of. Work school, but still. I'm really excited. I'm still so pumped about all my new ideas. Tomorrow, I'm going to talk to some people about them and stuff and I just am so stoked about everything still. I hope my enthusiasm for this project can last throughout the year. 

Yeah, I need to go to sleep, it's past my bedtime. Good night all!

Times Eaten At Chipotle: 12 (This is staying here and you can't do anything about it)  
Why Today Was Awesome: TIFFANY!!!
Books Read: 6 
Song Stuck In My Head:


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