Monday, August 5, 2013

BEDA 5: I Have a Thing

I have lots of things actually.

Today was a long day because I did extra hours at UH and then went over to Iolani afterwards. I have to finish the two projects I was assigned to do that I haven't been able to do in the past two weeks or so because someone in the office has been sick and I had to cover for her and do her specific job and so my projects were kind of put in the back burner. *sigh* So tomorrow I have to make sure to finish filing and then move on to the merging of the files. Gar.

I also have emails to answer and post-its to hide and gifts to wrap and cards to write and photos to organize. Let's do this!

Risks: 52
Books Read: 10 
Thank You Notes Written: 15 
Hours Spent in Transit (Legit Traveling Only) So Far in August: 0


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