Sunday, August 4, 2013

BEDA 4: Mmmmmmmmtired

I didn't get any sleep last night because of...personal and unforeseen circumstances. Just. Yeah. Man I got an hour-long nap somewhere around 6am maybe, and then I had to get up to finish up packing! And then we came back to town where I went shopping for more things to pack. The highlight of my day was probably Book Off. Oh Book Off, you're such a mini-Strand (to which I shall make sure to go on my trip to New York!)--defying common sense organization for the purpose of driving away the visitors and welcoming home those who keep coming back. Used bookstores are like that--filled with jilted love, yet so full of new love. I am just being weird now. It is the sleep-deprivation. Blame it on that. 

Full-time work for the next three days wheeeeeeeee.

I have a lot of feelings right now but I am too tired to pay attention to feeling any of them. The best medicine to overwhelming emotions? Fatigue!

Okay I think that is enough rambling and incoherence from me. I am gonna go and be more incoherent with someone else. Oh! I baked a coffeecake! It is good. It has raisins though. Which is good! But not for people who hate raisins!

Kendall is doing a much better at BEDA so far. I really thought someone stole your car radio there.

Risks: 52
Books Read: 10 
Thank You Notes Written: 15 
Hours Spent in Transit (Legit Traveling Only) So Far in August: 0


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