Tuesday, August 27, 2013

BEDA 27: I am getting better!

Aren't I? I will try my very best not to miss any more days! I know, I know, it's almost done...

Today I got out of work early and ideally the office wants me to explore. So explore I shall! 

For the rest of the week, I am working shorter hours--I can go into the office late and leave early--. So I was thinking I could go running in the morning before I shower and get ready for work, and then after I have about an hour and a half or so to just explore downtown. I went and walked a little around the botanical gardens today. Not sure where I'll be tomorrow. Seeing as it is the day of the March on Washington Anniversary, I might want to avoid that area because of the herd of people who are going to be there after the speeches at Lincoln Memorial...

I am getting so pro at riding the metro. Honestly. 

Okay, I am gonna try to talk to my mommy for a little bit, then I have to take a quick shower then I have a meeting with Kendall in an hour or so.

Risks Taken: 57
Books Read Since Graduation: 10 (This is probs gonna stay like this for a while, sadly...)
Thank You Notes Written: 15
Hours Spent (Legit) Traveling So Far in August: 58.779


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