Monday, August 12, 2013

These Words Are Knives and Often Leave Scars

Hey guys!

So today was like my first full work work day in a while. I basically spent today powering through registrations. There were about 250 when I came in and by the time I left, we had finished all the ones that were there this morning. 

Success? I think so. 

It was fun too, I don't know, I enjoy doing stuff like that. The rest of the week will be more like like that so that will be a fun time as always. 

Teen Wolf is on tonight, so, of course, all the feels will follow. Can't wait? 


Times Eaten At Chipotle: 12 (This is staying here and you can't do anything about it)
Why Today Was Awesome: Registration!!
Books Read: 6 
Song Stuck In My Head:"This is Gospel" by Panic! At The Disco


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