Friday, August 2, 2013

BEDA 1: I Fail at Life (So what else is new?)


<< This is the face of a disappointment. It is the face of guilt. It is...a selfie, ok, yes, it is a pouting selfie. I needed a sad picture of me to convince you all about my genuine guilt, but all I found that was suitable on my phone is this photo. Sue me. Please do. 

I knew about BEDA(ugust) 2013 coming up. I did. I even texted Kendall on the last day of July about it, reminding him to BEDA. But it is with the greatest shame and deepest regret that I admit to all of you (and by all, I mean, like, the four of you who read this...) that this is the very first time that I have woken up on a BEDA Day 1 without feeling excited about BEDAing. In fact, it didn't even come to mind. Sadface! I usually wake up on BEDA Day 1 feeling pumped and ready to make the day amazing so that the first post isn't all boring and such. But this month, I woke up on August 1st and said, "Ahh time for work, then I have a lunch later, then meeting up with some friends, and yadayadayada..."

I am ashamed. I really am. And then I go to work today (August 2) at the SPO for the first time this week and it isn't until I had been there for a good hour or so when Kendall comes up to me and says, "So, hashtag fail?" And I was like, "What?" And right before he even said, "You didn't do it yesterday" I realized it and my stomach dropped. I missed BEDA Day 1. 

There is nothing to do but to swallow the shame, accept the guilt, and apologize. And also, swear by all that is important to me, that I will never miss a BEDA Day 1 ever again. Because this feeling sucks. And and also also (Get it, because it is the second "And also" of the night?), I am left to assure you that the rest of the month will not be as terrible as this is. 

Oh shoot. I just realized that I am on a trip for, like, half the years past, we allowed those on trips to skip out on BEWTY posts. This has never happened before on a BEDA month. Hmm. Must discuss with Kendall. I will have Wi-Fi at airports and hotels and Starbucks stores (of course) but I am not bringing my laptop, so there will be weird formatting in the coming days!

Speaking of a trip, I will talk about that in my real August 2 post!

What should I keep track of this BEDA month? Last April, it was servings of caffeinated beverages I think...this time, let's make it, since I am traveling this month, so let's make it hours I spend in transit from state to state (or country to country--going to Canada, too!).

Risks: 52
Books Read: 10 
Thank You Notes Written: 15 
Hours Spent in Transit (Legit Traveling Only) So Far in August: 0


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