Tuesday, August 20, 2013

BEDA 20: I Hate This

I feel like I haven't been here at all for you guys (and by you guys, I mean the three of you, HI THERE!). Like this wasn't even BEDA. GARR all this traveling and repacking is making me crazy stressed. Like what even is life anymore besides packing and planes and hotels and car rides? 

Today is a good day though. Today is a very good day and this is probably the happiest I have ever been in a long while and the happiest I will be in another long while. And when I leave for DC I will be very sad, but then again, we think of what Eleven taught us: What exactly is the point in being happy now if you're gonna be sad later? BECAUSE YOU ARE GOING TO BE SAD LATER.

So cheer up loves! Happiness today is valuable no matter what tomorrow brings.

Now tootles! I have to go buy a very good friend a tall iced passion tea from Starbucks!

Risks Taken: 52
Books Read Since Graduation: 10
Thank You Notes Written: 15
Hours Spent (Legit) Traveling So Far in August: 49.279


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