Sunday, April 27, 2014

Try to Love Me and I'll Try to Save You

(Note: it's the 27th. The day that I write a letter to my future self. If you want to see my letter to myself from last year, click here). 

Dear Kendall (April 27, 2015)

Hmm. 2015. I don't even know what to say to you. In the past two year's letters, I talking about changing. The first time was when I was in my Senior Year. I was happy with where I was and I didn't want that to change. The next year, things had changed and I think it kind of rattled me. Change is always happening, but that was a point in my life where everything was about change. 

So here I stand, a year later. The change has set in. I will continue to vouch that I am still the same person I was two years ago. I value the same things. I care about the same types of things. It's just that my focus might be a little different now. In the past year, it's not like anything HUGE has happened. No life changing events that could be contained in a 40 minute television episode. But things have changed. 

I've grown in the past year, personally and towards others. I've found something that means more to me than I could have ever imagined and I want to share those feelings with the world. I've settled in, created my roots. No, I haven't done a lot in the department of helping others, but that's why I'm hopeful for you. I'm here. I've done what I've always been afraid of. I've found people who love and support me. And I can love and support myself. 

In the next year, I want to see you slay. You are here for a reason and I only can expect the best. Yes, I hope that you still go to concerts on concerts, eat as much Chipotle as possible, read as many books as you can, spend as much time with friends and family, and relax a little to. But more than that, I want to see you be proud of what you've done. I want you to create. I want you to spread goodness. I want you to live up to the potential that you have been creating for yourself. 

This past year has been one that I will not forget and I only can hope to say the same about the next. 

Kendall (April 27, 2014)

Why Today Was Awesome: Chipotle AND Kona Kitchen! 
Books Read: 5 
Times Eaten At Chipotle: 17 (hehehehe)
Airplanes Riden: 12
Concerts Attended: 5! (9 total)


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