Friday, April 11, 2014

Now When You Say You Wanna Slow Down, Does It Mean You Wanna Slow Dance?

Hey guys!

Sorry. Yesterday was kind of crazy and let me explain why.

My birthday started out normal. I went to class. Easy. I was walking back to my room, around 10:30 because I had a break. I get to my room, open my door and what do I see? A giant banner posted up across my room with big red letters that said "Intervention"..... Now, if you don't watch How I Met Your Mother, it won't make complete sense, but still. I had been going to too many concerts...

Ha ha nah, it was Gavin, he had this whole plan. It was kind of amazing actually. 

Next thing I know, I get a mystery call. I answer it and guess who it is? Dominos. Jaime ordered me a pizza. Yup. That was life. 

Then my mom, aunt, and brother came and picked me up cause we were going to my "uncle"s house for the night which was over the mountains, about a 3 to 4 hour drive. It was nice and really pretty actually. The only problem was the sickness, but, you know, that's aright. 

We got there and it was super nice and warm and beautiful. His house was right on the lake and it was really nice. You should follow me on snapchat so you can see my story, where I post a lot of this stuff. (alltaco32 #catchmethere). 

The rest of the day was nice to spend with family. I finished it off with walking down to the water at about 1 in the morning. The moon was bright, there were no other lights in the area. The water was calm, it wasn't too cold. I sat on the dock and looked out across the water. No green light, but there was a whole lot of good feelings. 

Yup, it was a good birthday. And thank you to everyone who did anything or even just remembered. Thank you Jen for setting up the whole lunch thing (even though I didn't remember). I'm glad that they get the chance to still hang out with you, you're presence is such a great influence on them. 

Yup. Good birthday.


Why Today Was Awesome: Birthday!
Books Read: 5 
Times Eaten At Chipotle: 14 
Airplanes Riden: 8 
Concerts Attended: 4! (8 total)


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