Sunday, April 13, 2014

BEDA 11 and 12: A Combo Post That Has Never Been Done Before

As is the case with Relay For Life every year, I don't necessarily know where the past TWO days have been. Like. Just imagine waking up on a Thursday, doing your thing, then you go to sleep, and when you wake up it is Sunday. LIKE WHAT. HOW FRI AND SAT HOW

Anyway, I am sitting on a comfy cushiony chair in a reformed dorm closet with chalkboards against the wall on my right, with a hanging Swaggin Dragon windchime in front of me, after having crawled out of a bed-cave underneath the top bunk bed and then taking a shower which made me feel all new and shiny again. Yep. My life every day.

So Friday. What even happened on Friday...oh right! Kendall's birthday. So I went to work like normal. Then I skipped all three of my classes that day not like normal to go to Taco Bell in McCully to purchase two Taco 12-Packs (regular box and crazy box) to feed some hungry seniors. Then I hung out at the SAO for a bit--just the regular SAO craziness, like watching and judging a debate between U-san and BLah about profanity and also shaving one's head. Then I went home, showered and got ready for an Induction Dinner (yay Mortar Board!) which was pretty good, it was long, but it was fun. Then we got dropped off at 'Iolani at 8:30pm for States judging but we were in the pool so I didn't actually get to judge anything until it was like 11:30pm and it was a double-flighted NLD round and I was exhausted and wondering how the hell did I ever have that level of cognitive capacity to argue whether or not political conditions placed on humanitarian aid given to foreign countries is just or unjust in high school. I finished writing my ballots around 12:45, almost 1, then headed home to shower and go straight to sleep.



Okay, back now. Um so yesterday, APril 12, was Relay. I had a 9-1 meeting that morning, so I went to that, then I headed to Frear/Gateway/Dorms to drop off all my Relay things. I worked on last minute signs and such. Then we went to grab the ju mui pops and the tent and table, started to set up and then we experienced the worst two hours of the night. It was rainy and windy--basically it was storming. We had a very old tent with no weights and no tarp. So we were standing around under the tent, many of us holding it up and down at the same time so that it wouldn't blow away in the wind. Imagine a huge bouncy house castle. Then imagine this gust of wind that was so strong that that huge bouncy house castly literally lifted up the ground and flew about ten feet away from where it originally was. Yes. That is what happened to one of the bounce houses near our area.

Anyway, we had Relay. A lot of it was fighting against the wind and the tent and also trying to hear what was going on at the stage, and trying to get rid of cold ju mui pops on a very cold night so that we could at least break even. And we did! We had a profit of $1. Which was pretty bad in terms of us not being able to raise money at all for ACS but we were able to get our money back for ordering the minimum amount of pops. It was crazy and cold and most of the time was spent just being like "WHAT IS GOING ON?" but I think all in all, it was a learning experience. 

Then we YOLOed and I ended up sleeping in Frear and then we woke up. We went to Ezogiku for a late breakfast-lunch, and then dropped by Bubbies to grab a pint of green tea ice cream to bring back to the dorms for Heide and Meghan, which was ironic because as we were walking back to the dorms with our ice cream, we were passing all of these people who were all dressed to go to the gym. 

Which is done! The new rec center is finally open! Whooooo!

I get my new glasses tomorrow. Yay for the decrease of dryness in my eyes.

Ok I have to go, lots to do despite my body just crying and begging me to stop it already.

Risks Taken: 65
Kimchi Count: 13


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