Thursday, April 17, 2014

Honestly We're Probably More Suicidal Than Ever Now

Hey guys!!

I'll format these later. Wanna know why? CAUSE IM IN CHICAGO?!??!??

First of all. What the hell is Chicago. It makes little sense. Jaime and I left this morning. We stopped in Minneapolis first. Before today I had no clue what state that was even in. But now I can say that I've been to Minnesota. That's cool. Also, the airport had a lord of the rings pinball machine and a subway. So. Success. 

Then we made it to Chicago. We took a train to downtown where our hotel was. We got here and it was already like 7. But we started walking around and it was really weird and amazing. Everything is gigantic and pretty. And it wasn't even that cold. 

Then we found our way to the bean sculpture. I think I pictures it to be bigger but it just seemed smaller because everything else around it is so freaking huge. After that we ate and now we are back to sleep. 

I would tell you why we are here but it's a suprise. But honestly, you should be able to figure it out. 

Why Today Was Awesome: CHICAGO
Books Read: 5 

Times Eaten At Chipotle: 15
Airplanes Riden: 10 (ugh)
Concerts Attended: 4! (8 total)


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