Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Your Twisted Mind is Like Snow on the Road

Hey guys!!

Ugh. Today was stressful again. But again. That is alright. Honestly, like, things aren't even that bad. And I'm not and should not be complaining. Why? Cause cool things are happening very soon. I'm actually really nervous. Like, an excited nervous and a scared nervous. All at once. Life, what are you doing? The fact that we are already past halfway done with April. Like. What? That makes no sense. I told you, it would be crazy. I haven't had a minute to breathe, but that's alright. I'm doing things that make me happy and that's good. Or maybe that's just selfish. I don't really know. 

But good things are coming. Get ready. 

Why Today Was Awesome: Busy
Books Read: 5 
Times Eaten At Chipotle: 15
Airplanes Riden: 8 
Concerts Attended: 4! (8 total)


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