Friday, April 4, 2014

Am I Screaming to An Empty Sky?

It wouldn't be BEDA without some screw ups, right? 

It's like 12:36 right now. Ugh. I was so close.

It's cause I had to go with my aunt to go pick up my mom and brother from the airport. They are here for the week and I totally remembered about blogging, but then I came back and met up with my friends and forgot... But that's alright! Better late than never. 

Today was cool. I had class and work and stuff. Nothing too exciting. 

I don't know. The next few days are gonna be crazy, so we'll see how that goes. Actually, the next month will be crazy. The next life, while we're at it. Yup. That's life. 

Why Today Was Awesome: I took a nap?
Books Read: 5 
Times Eaten At Chipotle: 14 
Airplanes Riden: 8 
Concerts Attended: 4! (8 total)


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