Wednesday, April 30, 2014

I Just Got a Really Crazy Mind to Clean, Know What I Mean?

It's the last day of BEDA...


Tell me, where did April go? 

Like, who took her. What did they do to her. Is she safe. Is she okay. Someone needs to do something because this is a crime. 

Ugh. I can't believe another month is gone. Like, Also, we just started this quarter but we only have four weeks left after this week. Like, what.


I refuse that.

Also, it was hot today. It really is confusing my body. I don't really know what to do about it. My legs are happy cause they haven't had jeans on in like a few days. They are welcome. 

I don't even know. I'm struggling with math homework right now. 

I'm just trying to enjoy the weather basically. Also the fact that this year is almost over makes me want to enjoy it as best as I can, but I'm also too busy but not busy but BUSY, ya know what I mean? 

Anyway, this April was fun. I got back from Florida. I saw my family. I had an awesome birthday. I went to Chicago. I had a lot of fun. Got a lot of things done. Glad I got to share it with you guys.

Anyway, it's time for me to go, once again. I don't even know what my life is anymore. 

Why Today Was Awesome: HOT
Books Read: 5 
Times Eaten At Chipotle: 17 
Airplanes Riden: 12
Concerts Attended: 5! (9 total)


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