Monday, April 7, 2014

BEDA 6: Did I really not do a BEDA 6?

Oops, my bad! Well here it is!

Sunday was basically, um, get up at an ungodly hour to get picked up, head to the dorms to pick up more people and then DUN DUN DUN KOKO HEAD. Yep. That was Sunday.

This is a pretty accurate and enjoyable (in a certain way) social for our Exec Board. There were eight of us total who took the first step at the base of the mountain...and all eight of us made it to the top 1050 steps later! Whooo! Reid barely broke a sweat (duh), Romee and Megan paced themselves pretty well (yayyy!), Victoria threw up (I wasn't alone!) right before the bridge, Jacob and Bran Man made it seem easy (pssh) and Cheyenne recovered after she thought she wouldn't (double yayyy!!). Success for all! 

It was hard, I am not gonna lie, but definitely not impossible, because hey, it was done. I paced myself because I knew I had to. Then I got to the 500s and I got overconfident. I shot past the 600s. And then around the 700s, I started to get dizzy and lightheaded. So I took a break. And then felt nauseaous, felt like I was gonna throw up, realized that I would feel much better after I threw up, so forced myself to throw up on the side (only water, I only ate a banana before starting), and then felt much better! Enough to go all the way to the top, but I was tired by then so I was taking more frequent breaks. But we made it! It was very rewarding. The views were nice but the feeling of having accomplished such a great feat before 10am in the morning on a Sunday was even better. And as beautiful as the island was that morning from the top of Koko Head, I did the only logical thing to do. I called The Boyfriend of course. 

Anyway, going back down was scarier than going up because, um, short legs here. But it went by faster than going up so I wasn't complaining. After, we piled onto the cars and headed to Moena Cafe and Koko Marina where we celebrated our feat with fancy eggs benedicts, larger-than-your-head fluffy pancakes and fresh homemade hash. YUM. New favorite breakfast place on my list. I would ride the bus out to Hawaii Kai any day if it meant I could have a banana chantilly pancake again.

Then we piled and squeezed into Sheana's car and headed back to the dorms. After getting home, I took a shower, centered myself, and then began to bake. And I didn't stop until like 10:30 at night I think. I mean, I took some breaks in between to wash the dishes so they wouldn't pile up and to clean up after each batch. After two batches of peanut butter haole brownies, a batch of chocolate chip oatmeal cookies, a batch of peanut butter chocolate chip oatmeal cookies, two batches of peanut butter and strawberry jelly thumbprint cookies, a batch of coconut macaroons, a batch of chocolate chip and M&M cookies and two batches of chewy dark brown sugar cookies, I was pooped. So I went to sleep.

And that was my Sunday!

Risks Taken: 64 (Koko Head counts brrruuuuh!)
Kimchi Count: 13


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