Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Our Brains Are Sick But Thats Okay

Hey guys!

Not gonna lie, today was actually really stressful. Aside from the fact that I had class and work. I had a meeting for work for something that has been really stressful and I'm nervous about. I'm missing two days of school this week so I have to make sure that I make up everything that will be due. I have about a billion things to do in terms of my personal life. I have to prepare for things and deal with things. And on top of that, someone I respect and look up to (who I rarely even talk to) said that they wanted MY advice about something. 

It was stressful.

BUT, it turned out to be what made my day. Talking to him was really cool. I enjoy interacting with him and talking to him, but it rarely happens. On top of that, he is someone who I don't necessarily see as a peer. He is someone above me and the fact that he wanted my advice was scary. But it was really nice. I talked about his life with him. I gave him my thoughts and opinions. Not that I really helped him come to a decision in the end, I feel like it was probably nice to have a different opinion, which I'm glad I could be. It was just kind of humbling and a really really good reminder of why I'm here and what I'm supposed to be doing. Hopefully things will return to that soon. 

Why Today Was Awesome: Barnesie
Books Read: 5 
Times Eaten At Chipotle: 15
Airplanes Riden: 8 
Concerts Attended: 4! (8 total)


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