Saturday, April 5, 2014

My Head Is Spinning Cause of You

Okay, I'm back. 

Ugh, life in the fast lane.

So on Saturday, I went down to Jaime's school because her Hawaii Club was having their Luau. Now, if you remember from last year, during her Luau, I said I didn't want to come, which was bad because it was at a time where we were already not doing very well. So we hadn't talked in like a month so I decided to go down and surprise her. In the end it all worked out, but this year, I said I was gonna go and actually showed up on time.

I got there around noon and basically just hung out/helped the whole time. Now, I'm not in anyway involved with the Hawaii Club at my school for a multitude of reasons, but on Saturday, I was essentially a part of their club. I helped sell raffle tickets. I went on stage like three times when I definitely shouldn't. I was in the freaking club picture that they took on stage. Oops. Then after I helped clean everything up.

It's fun and interesting to see how big events like that are planned and coordinated. While their Hawaii Club is tiny, they did a good job on their Luau. I've never been to any others so I can't really compare, but it was a fun time overall.

AND, I got bags on bags of leftovers, so I'll be good for a few weeks. Lol jk, more like a few days. 

Why Today Was Awesome: Hawaii Club Realness
Books Read: 5 
Times Eaten At Chipotle: 14 
Airplanes Riden: 8 
Concerts Attended: 4! (8 total)


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