Sunday, April 6, 2014

I Saw Your Face and Saw Your Light, You Ran the Race, You Fought the Fight

Hey guys!

Yup. The crazy month of April continues. Today was kicked off by taking three busses to get back up to my school, just to take a short shower, then literally sprinting to another bus to meet up with my Aunt, Mom, and Brother. We went and saw my Grandpa, who is doing alright. Then we went out to dinner, which was good.

After that, we went to my Aunt's church to see this huge production play thing for Easter. It was cool, it was a nice production and it was enjoyable. I literally just got back and it's already like 10:45. I heated up a bowl of leftovers from Luau and ate that. Now, I need to study for a quiz I have tomorrow morning and I still really want to watch the season finale of Shameless. Oh, and I have to talk to Deme still. 

Tomorrow is going to be an amazing day. I don't want to say why yet, but one reason is that it's supposed to hit the 70's tomorrow. I'm sorry, but what? What are 70 degrees? I honestly don't even understand. Ugh. Okay, I'm off to study. 


Why Today Was Awesome: Family Fun Time
Books Read: 5 
Times Eaten At Chipotle: 14 
Airplanes Riden: 8 
Concerts Attended: 4! (8 total)


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