Sunday, August 3, 2014

You Potato With Eyes

Hey guys!

Umm. Life. Okay. What did I even do today...

Okay, well, we woke up at like 7 at Rebecca's house. Had a nice award breakfast. Then we were off. We went and hiked to go and find this ruins from King Kamehameha. We didn't find it. It was interesting, there were like a billion different trails everywhere. We got lost for a while, during which i was totally eaten alive by mosquitoes. 

But then, we realized that we just went the wrong way in the beginning and we found this really cool, huge waterfall. We had to climb down the cliff to get to the bottom, but once we did it was kind of great. The water was freezing but it was so worth it.

After that we climbed back up and came across an irrigation pipe and followed that for a little while. It was fine at first because it was in the ground, but then it started to be above the ground and after a while it was like 7 or 8 feet above the ground. It was alright though, because it was through this SUPER thick bamboo forest so we were able to use the bamboo as support. It was actually super helpful.

Then we reached the road. I don't know how we did it, but we did.

Then smoothies. Then home. Then shower. Then clean. Then deuces because we had an open house today. Ate lunch. Waited a bit. Then slept. Then watched a movie with the familia. And now we are here. Needless to say it's time for sleep.

Why Today Was Awesome: Waterfalls
Taco Bell Quessaritos Eaten: 1
Books Read: 8
Airplanes Ridden: 13
Concerts Attended: 9


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