Friday, August 15, 2014

Comic Sans is Never the Answer

Hey guys!!

Ugh, today was the most.

So first, we were supposed to wake up at like 6, but then Gavin and Rebecca being the sneaky doo doo heads that they are, they changed MY alarm to 8. (By the way, the made it here to the hotel from Yosemite at like 2:30 in the morning last night. They looked like homeless people.)

So we got up, got ready, got continental breakfast (BECAUSE IT WAS FREE) and hopped on a bus... And then another bus while we were at it... 

It was weird. San Francisco is weird. I don't know, I mean, all the cities I have been to have been very similar and different. (Seattle, LA, Vancouver, Chicago, and now SF (and I guess Honolulu if you could even count that)). Like, it definitely has its own style and type of people and just thing. It was cool. 

We ate at a hipster cafe and I had a turkey sandwich #clutch. 

Then we walked up to the Coit Tower which is just some random tower at the top of a hill. Like. Why. 

But the view was really nice and it was super cool and it wasn't cold and you could see everything: the bay, the Golden Gate Bridge, Alcatraz, the city, EVERYTHING! 

We then walked (mind you, we did a LOT of walking) to the pier and did things... I don't even remember, oh god. Umm we just walked and looked at the water and all the street performers and stuff.

The awkward moment was when I saw this girl that I see EVERYWHERE. She goes to all the concerts that I do in Seattle. But the awkward part is that I follow her on tumblr and I have for a while now. Like, what?

We found this arcade that was filled with all these old games from like the 20's. It was really interesting too see what people used to use to entertain themselves with, you know. 

After that, we found an In-N-Out and it was perfect. (Next door was a Chipotle and my heart died). 

Then more walking. It got kind of cold at this point. We touched the water, went to a candy shop, went to a Ghirardelli shop. Walked out on a pier/dock thing.

Then got on a  bus. Then a train. Now we are here in the hotel. 

Day 1 down. 

Why Today Was Awesome: WALLLKKKINGGGGG
Taco Bell Quessaritos Eaten: 2
Books Read: 9 
Airplanes Ridden: 14 (hehehehehehe)
Concerts Attended: 9


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