Sunday, August 24, 2014


No. Just no. I am trying not to think about it, so maybe it won't happen. 

I had ice cream for dinner tonight. Of course, I would. It's kinda the last night of my last college summer. So I had ice cream. Lots of ice cream mind you. Mochi ice cream, to be exact. From Bubbies. Cause I am hardcore like that. 

I need to stop and go away, I know, seriously. 

But really do I have to go to school tomorrow. YOU CANNOT MAKE ME. Ugh. Fine. But I am going in my pajamas and brining a pen and notebook and that is it. I am not even going to care. 

But let's face it, I'm gonna be there from 8am until 8pm. I HAVE A MEETING. ON THE FIRST DAY. WHAT.

Okay bye.

I made a peach tart today. Well, it was kind of like a peach gallete. It was pretty good. Also brownies. I tried a new recipe. Good reviews!


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