Wednesday, August 13, 2014

This May Be a Loaded Question But...

Hey guys!

Today was my last day at work for a little while... Therefore I was getting things ready for Dev and registration and life. I also spent a lot of the time Bible writing, cause I have a lot of knowledge in my head and some of it should be written down, I guess. Also, I kind of died inside today when Erik said (about a Japanese football team that is at campus all week) "This may be a loaded question but has anybody noticed all the Japanese people lying around campus?"... I was like "Yeah!" and then I was like "Wait... I see what you did there". I couldn't even ha ha ha. 

Tomorrow I say Dueces, so that will be exciting!

Also, something that I can't get off my mind, I know I actually never think about/get involved with any type of current event/politics or whatever, but I can't stop thinking about the whole thing that is happening in Ferguson. Like, I don't know, it's crazy and wrong and all types of things. I don't really have much to say about it other than Wow. 

Why Today Was Awesome: Here we go...
Taco Bell Quessaritos Eaten: 2
Books Read: 9 
Airplanes Ridden: 13
Concerts Attended: 9


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