Sunday, August 10, 2014

Elevator Music is Playing Right Now But I Am Not In An Elevator

It was the election. And the whole "getting my life together" part, which is actually going pretty well. I did a lot yesterday. But I ended up staying up and watching primary election coverage which was a lot of nail-biting and waiting for printouts, and the Senate race is still too close to call! We shall see.

I am in need of some down-time-bro-time, just cause I am so tired all the time. I think that is what I needed over the trip, which is why I ended up at Agu on my first day back for a sixsome dinner. Agu, by the way, guys. Just. Agu! I like good food, and I love good food that is also cheap. But freaking Agu is so good, I am beginning to reconsider the fact that fifteen bucks is usually more than what I am willing to pay for a bowl of ramen. Seriously. I feel bad because it's like I am having an affair and I am cheating on Yotteko-Ya. But anyway, it was okay, we softened the financial blows with 75 cent softserves at Burger King because come one what's a BWC dinner without cheap desserts right? 

Okay, I gotta go, my online class has started. 

Current food obsessions: FREAKING MUG CAKES


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