Friday, August 29, 2014

It's Always Cloudy Except For When I Look Into The Past

I shouldn't be here right now. I'm supposed to be on a plane. But I'm at home. Now, I'm not gonna tell you the exact details, but here is a good overview.

Pick up Rebecca. Get to airport. Get in first class line on accident, no one says anything. Get through security. Get to gate. Get starbucks. Figure out that plane no look good. Freak out. Talk to Gavin. Book a flight to San Fransisco. Run to other side of the airport. Check in. Get ticket. Ask lady if I can wait. Get scolded. Get phone call from Rebecca. Find out I get on Portland flight. Tell the lady I'm not getting on the flight. Run back all the way across the airport. Don't make it. Feel bad. Cool off and let sweat dry. Buy cards. Write apology notes. Walk back to other side of airport. Leave note. Walk back. Get picked up. Now home....

Let's hope for tomorrow. 

Why Today Was Awesome: 
Taco Bell Quessaritos Eaten: 3 
Books Read: 9 
Airplanes Ridden: 15 
Concerts Attended:10


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