I am sweaty (and, as such, smelly), my tummy feels funny, my hair is all sticky and I am tired and fatigued (as usual, I need some sleep!). Got back from Golden Key retreat this morning. Thought it was shorter than usual retreats and not in a ranch/beach house in the North Shore, it was still pretty fun and very productive. That also explains why I am so tired though--I had planned to work on Friday night but I did the dumb thing and told myself I would take a nap at 9pm and just wake up two hours later. Nope. I woke up at 7 in the morning. Much frustration!
Anyway, after I got back from retreat, I unpacked my stuff, I got on a bus and headed to Sinclair and I have been here all afternoon. I have gotten a lot done though! Three timed sections and now just finished reviewing the second section. I still have a lot of catch up to do though, plus I just got the September study schedule and said goodbye to at least 7 hours of sleep every night. Just for this month!
The bus doesn't leave for another half hour or so so I am just taking the time to blog and reflect on how terrible I was this BEDA! Ugh, I know, I am sorry, I am disappointed too. Hopefully April wont be as bad, I am not expecting next semester to be as hectic. Hopefully. Also, I hope BEWTY is ok the rest of the year. I think it will be though. Hopefully.
Okay, I have to go and use the bathroom and pack up my stuff before I leave the library. Part of the convenience of living on campus is minimal commute time that cannot go towards productive studying--alas, but I don't have that luxury.
Until next week! BEDA is over!
Sunday, August 31, 2014
Friday, August 29, 2014
It's Always Cloudy Except For When I Look Into The Past
I shouldn't be here right now. I'm supposed to be on a plane. But I'm at home. Now, I'm not gonna tell you the exact details, but here is a good overview.
Pick up Rebecca. Get to airport. Get in first class line on accident, no one says anything. Get through security. Get to gate. Get starbucks. Figure out that plane no look good. Freak out. Talk to Gavin. Book a flight to San Fransisco. Run to other side of the airport. Check in. Get ticket. Ask lady if I can wait. Get scolded. Get phone call from Rebecca. Find out I get on Portland flight. Tell the lady I'm not getting on the flight. Run back all the way across the airport. Don't make it. Feel bad. Cool off and let sweat dry. Buy cards. Write apology notes. Walk back to other side of airport. Leave note. Walk back. Get picked up. Now home....
Let's hope for tomorrow.
Why Today Was Awesome:
Taco Bell Quessaritos Eaten: 3
Books Read: 9
Airplanes Ridden: 15
Concerts Attended:10
Books Read: 9
Airplanes Ridden: 15
Concerts Attended:10
Thursday, August 28, 2014
We've Got a Situation
I'm tired. I've been tired since Tuesday. Man. The stress levels have only gone up just a little compared to their levels over the summer--but the difference is that I was making sure to sleep at least 8 hours a night over the summer. I slept at 11:30 or midnight and never got up until 7 in the morning (except for my Kapolei days). Now, I am getting about 5 or 6 each night. And my body is definitely feeling it.
I wake up feeling like I just got hit by a truck. Nut just a Tacoma, no--more like one of those ten-wheelers. Then my legs feel like they're lead and I am trying to tread water. Or tread butter.
I Don't Care If the World Knows What My Secrets Are
I forgot to post again last night...
I don't really have much to say about today either. Sorry.
Why Today Was Awesome:
I don't really have much to say about today either. Sorry.
Why Today Was Awesome:
Taco Bell Quessaritos Eaten: 3
Books Read: 9
Airplanes Ridden: 15
Concerts Attended:10
Books Read: 9
Airplanes Ridden: 15
Concerts Attended:10
Wednesday, August 27, 2014
Tuesday, August 26, 2014
Hold it Steady, I Won't Lose It
Hey guys!
Soooo I forgot for the first time yesterday... Even though it wasn't MY technical first day, it still was kind of a lot. I had a crazy list of things that I needed to do. But it all turned out well. It was stressful but I was glad to be there. I don't have much time left here, but I'm trying to do the most that I can before I leave.
Today I was thinking a lot about my future. A year from now, things will be completely up in the air. I have no clue what's going to happen, but I'm kind of excited about it. I know that I will be terrified at some point, but for now, I'm excited for something new, because I know that it will be good, it has to be.
Why Today Was Awesome:
Soooo I forgot for the first time yesterday... Even though it wasn't MY technical first day, it still was kind of a lot. I had a crazy list of things that I needed to do. But it all turned out well. It was stressful but I was glad to be there. I don't have much time left here, but I'm trying to do the most that I can before I leave.
Today I was thinking a lot about my future. A year from now, things will be completely up in the air. I have no clue what's going to happen, but I'm kind of excited about it. I know that I will be terrified at some point, but for now, I'm excited for something new, because I know that it will be good, it has to be.
Why Today Was Awesome:
Taco Bell Quessaritos Eaten: 3
Books Read: 9
Airplanes Ridden: 15
Concerts Attended:10
Books Read: 9
Airplanes Ridden: 15
Concerts Attended:10
Enjoy these random tags:
i can lift a car by walk the moon
Monday, August 25, 2014
First Day Check
Hey all! Today was the first day of school and we basically just hit the ground running. Though I went in to work a little under two hours today and had only three classes, it was still a pretty busy day. I have a bunch of stuff to do to prep for my first class session, the class I am teaching this semester, on Wednesday so I am gearing up for that. I am also getting settled and that requires printing syllabi and getting notebooks and renting textbooks and such. Because I only have 5 textbooks this semester compared to 15 or so last time, I am just gonna rent all of them regardless of how hard the teacher swears they will use it.
Okay the challenge is to sleep as early as I can. Sleep is important. See y'all!
Okay the challenge is to sleep as early as I can. Sleep is important. See y'all!
Sunday, August 24, 2014
No. Just no. I am trying not to think about it, so maybe it won't happen.
I had ice cream for dinner tonight. Of course, I would. It's kinda the last night of my last college summer. So I had ice cream. Lots of ice cream mind you. Mochi ice cream, to be exact. From Bubbies. Cause I am hardcore like that.
I need to stop and go away, I know, seriously.
But really do I have to go to school tomorrow. YOU CANNOT MAKE ME. Ugh. Fine. But I am going in my pajamas and brining a pen and notebook and that is it. I am not even going to care.
But let's face it, I'm gonna be there from 8am until 8pm. I HAVE A MEETING. ON THE FIRST DAY. WHAT.
Okay bye.
I made a peach tart today. Well, it was kind of like a peach gallete. It was pretty good. Also brownies. I tried a new recipe. Good reviews!
I had ice cream for dinner tonight. Of course, I would. It's kinda the last night of my last college summer. So I had ice cream. Lots of ice cream mind you. Mochi ice cream, to be exact. From Bubbies. Cause I am hardcore like that.
I need to stop and go away, I know, seriously.
But really do I have to go to school tomorrow. YOU CANNOT MAKE ME. Ugh. Fine. But I am going in my pajamas and brining a pen and notebook and that is it. I am not even going to care.
But let's face it, I'm gonna be there from 8am until 8pm. I HAVE A MEETING. ON THE FIRST DAY. WHAT.
Okay bye.
I made a peach tart today. Well, it was kind of like a peach gallete. It was pretty good. Also brownies. I tried a new recipe. Good reviews!
I've Been Gone For So Long But My Heart It Carries On
Hey guys
Today we had another open house so we went to go see "Guardians of the Galaxy". It was good! I really liked it! I just wish I had more time to really invest myself into the whole Marvel Universe, ya know?
But other than that I got a lot done today. My days at home are literally countable now. At least for work, I have 8 more days. That sucks. But it's okay. Because there is a lot of good coming my way. But until then, I have to make sure that there is a lot of good coming other peoples way. I don't know what I'm trying to say, but I know that I am going to make the most of my time left here.
Why Today Was Awesome: Guardians
Today we had another open house so we went to go see "Guardians of the Galaxy". It was good! I really liked it! I just wish I had more time to really invest myself into the whole Marvel Universe, ya know?
But other than that I got a lot done today. My days at home are literally countable now. At least for work, I have 8 more days. That sucks. But it's okay. Because there is a lot of good coming my way. But until then, I have to make sure that there is a lot of good coming other peoples way. I don't know what I'm trying to say, but I know that I am going to make the most of my time left here.
Why Today Was Awesome: Guardians
Taco Bell Quessaritos Eaten: 3 (I had one for breakfast... Don't judge)
Books Read: 9
Airplanes Ridden: 15
Concerts Attended:10
Books Read: 9
Airplanes Ridden: 15
Concerts Attended:10
Enjoy these random tags:
home by american authors
Saturday, August 23, 2014
Thanks for Phoning
Hey Guys!
I caught up on Korra (which was amazing by the way) and Teen Wolf. Then I got ready and then went to work, cause, you know, that's what normal people do on Saturdays.
Then I watched all my Monumentour videos and had lots of feels.
Now I'm home and I just watched the new episode of Doctor Who and I don't know how to feel.
Yeah, that's all I have to say.
Why Today Was Awesome: Doctor Who?
I caught up on Korra (which was amazing by the way) and Teen Wolf. Then I got ready and then went to work, cause, you know, that's what normal people do on Saturdays.
Then I watched all my Monumentour videos and had lots of feels.
Now I'm home and I just watched the new episode of Doctor Who and I don't know how to feel.
Yeah, that's all I have to say.
Why Today Was Awesome: Doctor Who?
Taco Bell Quessaritos Eaten: 2
Books Read: 9
Airplanes Ridden: 15
Concerts Attended:10
Books Read: 9
Airplanes Ridden: 15
Concerts Attended:10
Friday, August 22, 2014
Zoom Zah
Hey guys.
I literally have like, DAYS left. I mean, I don't LEAVE LEAVE for another 2 and a half weeks (ALREADY), but like 5 days of that is already going to be spent on the mainland.
I don't know man, but if there is anything that this summer did, it got me excited for my real life and I really just can't wait. Even though I'll never be ready for the real world, I feel like I'm as ready as I'm ever gonna get.
Why Today Was Awesome: MEETING THE YAMAMOTOS!!!!
I literally have like, DAYS left. I mean, I don't LEAVE LEAVE for another 2 and a half weeks (ALREADY), but like 5 days of that is already going to be spent on the mainland.
I don't know man, but if there is anything that this summer did, it got me excited for my real life and I really just can't wait. Even though I'll never be ready for the real world, I feel like I'm as ready as I'm ever gonna get.
Why Today Was Awesome: MEETING THE YAMAMOTOS!!!!
Taco Bell Quessaritos Eaten: 2
Books Read: 9
Airplanes Ridden: 15
Concerts Attended:10
Books Read: 9
Airplanes Ridden: 15
Concerts Attended:10
Thursday, August 21, 2014
Must Blink!
I have been typing for the past two hours straight, no breaks. I am not even sure if I blinked. I was like, "Ok let's do this, I am finishing this write up tonight" at around 9pm and then I look up and, "Hey, it's 11:30. Bedtime??" So yeah.
It has been a looooong week. So looking forward to the weekend. But not really because it means it is the last weekend before I have to go back to school. Ugh. On the plus side, I bought some goldfish and a giant bag of trail mix today. Which means it was a good day 'cause guys life is basically just goldfish and trail mix. Yup. Life.
It has been a looooong week. So looking forward to the weekend. But not really because it means it is the last weekend before I have to go back to school. Ugh. On the plus side, I bought some goldfish and a giant bag of trail mix today. Which means it was a good day 'cause guys life is basically just goldfish and trail mix. Yup. Life.
What is Sleep?
Hey guys!
I put 11.75 hours on my timesheet today.... I have a problem.
Why Today Was Awesome: Getting Things Done
I put 11.75 hours on my timesheet today.... I have a problem.
Why Today Was Awesome: Getting Things Done
Taco Bell Quessaritos Eaten: 2
Books Read: 9
Airplanes Ridden: 15
Concerts Attended:10
Books Read: 9
Airplanes Ridden: 15
Concerts Attended:10
Wednesday, August 20, 2014
I've Got a Life Out There Somewhere It's Waiting
Hey guys!
Today was another exciting round of Freshman Orientation. This makes year 4 that I have been involved with this.... It's a weird feeling man. But it's fun, as always. I'm just exhausted. It's fun to see how things are growing and changing around me. And it's also fun to see how somethings will never change with the children.
It's a weird world I live in with a scary and uncertain future, but it's days like this that remind me of where I come from and how fortunate I am to be where I am today. So yes, it was a good day.
Why Today Was Awesome: 9th Grade
Today was another exciting round of Freshman Orientation. This makes year 4 that I have been involved with this.... It's a weird feeling man. But it's fun, as always. I'm just exhausted. It's fun to see how things are growing and changing around me. And it's also fun to see how somethings will never change with the children.
It's a weird world I live in with a scary and uncertain future, but it's days like this that remind me of where I come from and how fortunate I am to be where I am today. So yes, it was a good day.
Why Today Was Awesome: 9th Grade
Taco Bell Quessaritos Eaten: 2
Books Read: 9
Airplanes Ridden: 15
Concerts Attended:10
Books Read: 9
Airplanes Ridden: 15
Concerts Attended:10
A Story to Tell
And I can't even make up for it because I am way behind on my prep class and I really have to go do that.
And I can't even make up for it because I am way behind on my prep class and I really have to go do that.
Tuesday, August 19, 2014
When Your Watch is Bigger Than Your Hand, Then You're Set
Hey guys!
Umm, today I worked. Yup. That was basically it. But it was eventful. And stressful. And just lots of things happen.
I'm exhausted though. And I feel bad because I should be working tomorrow, but I'm spending helping out with 9th grade orientation. And while I am really excited for that, just things are happening and I don't have much time left. Just means I have to make the most of it while I still can.
Why Today Was Awesome: Life
Umm, today I worked. Yup. That was basically it. But it was eventful. And stressful. And just lots of things happen.
I'm exhausted though. And I feel bad because I should be working tomorrow, but I'm spending helping out with 9th grade orientation. And while I am really excited for that, just things are happening and I don't have much time left. Just means I have to make the most of it while I still can.
Why Today Was Awesome: Life
Taco Bell Quessaritos Eaten: 2
Books Read: 9
Airplanes Ridden: 15
Concerts Attended:10
Books Read: 9
Airplanes Ridden: 15
Concerts Attended:10
Monday, August 18, 2014
We Are Paramore
Hey guys!
Ugh. I woke up at 6 today in Concord. Jaime's dad picked us up. Got to the airport. Got on a plane (luckily). Flew for 5 hours. Met up with my parents. Got a car and went directly to work. Registration started today so it was crazy. Also, a million things had to happen when I was gone (for like 3 days mind you). But it was fine. And then after, Jen and I took Ayami out to dinner because she leaves soon and it was just fun to talk to her. Ayami is just so amazing and I so excited for her and what she is doing and what she will become. It's people like her that make me happy and make me excited for the world. Like, we need more Ayami's because she is perfect.
Anyways, I have a line along my chest that is bruised because of the barricade last night. My face and neck are burnt. My voice is shot because I was screaming so much. And my neck hurts from head banging so much. Sounds like a successful concert to me.
Why Today Was Awesome: AYAMI
Ugh. I woke up at 6 today in Concord. Jaime's dad picked us up. Got to the airport. Got on a plane (luckily). Flew for 5 hours. Met up with my parents. Got a car and went directly to work. Registration started today so it was crazy. Also, a million things had to happen when I was gone (for like 3 days mind you). But it was fine. And then after, Jen and I took Ayami out to dinner because she leaves soon and it was just fun to talk to her. Ayami is just so amazing and I so excited for her and what she is doing and what she will become. It's people like her that make me happy and make me excited for the world. Like, we need more Ayami's because she is perfect.
Anyways, I have a line along my chest that is bruised because of the barricade last night. My face and neck are burnt. My voice is shot because I was screaming so much. And my neck hurts from head banging so much. Sounds like a successful concert to me.
Why Today Was Awesome: AYAMI
Taco Bell Quessaritos Eaten: 2
Books Read: 9
Airplanes Ridden: 15
Concerts Attended:10
Books Read: 9
Airplanes Ridden: 15
Concerts Attended:10
Enjoy these random tags:
I can't get that out of my head
Sunday, August 17, 2014
That's the Hope I Have, the Only Thing I Know That's Keeping Me Alive
Hey guys!
Oh my god, today was a day. (Even though I'm writing this on Monday...)
SO. We woke up at 8, got ready, and went downstairs for free continental breakfast. Then we had a blastoff adventure, and then we were off!
It was about a half mile walk to the venue, except like half of it was uphill a parking lot and the sun was just blaring down on us.
Anyway, we got there at like 10 or 11 and we waited. And waited. And waited. There were no clouds and there was no shade. Honestly, the heat wasn't even that big of an issue. It gets hotter here with the humidity, it was more the fact that we were just IN the sun the whole time.
Anyway, at one point Jaime and I went to go to Safeway to get water (we were all so dehydrated) and food. We came back, ate, and waited.
Also, this whole time, we didn't really know what was going on because we had meet and greet tickets, but none of the event staff really know what was going to happen either. Anyway, eventually we got in a line for the meet and greet and by 5:00, they let us into the venue to wait.
They split us up into the two meet and greets, and then the next thing I knew, I was standing in front of a table where Fall Out Boy was sitting. Ugh. They were perfect. I mean, I didn't get to say much because it was rushed and plus I don't know what to say in a situation like that, but something that I did get a chance to do was I got Patrick to sign both a copy of "Save Rock and Roll" but also his solo album because that album means a lot to me. Then I got a picture with them and it was just a nice picture and ugh. It was great.
After that, the staff still didn't really know what was going on, but since we were basically at the front of the line, we convinced them to let us stay right nearby the stairs so when the doors officially opened, we would be the first ones. And we were. We saw people running behind us so we rushed down the stairs and made it to the barricade, so all 4 of us were on it.
After a bit more waiting, the craziness began. New Politics opened up. This was my third time seeing them and they were as energetic as always. The headlining show that we saw with them was still way better, but it was fun to see them again. And also cool to see Lolo come out, she was actually really good.
Then, after screaming their songs for a little, they left and we waiting, and then Paramore came out. Now, this was my first, like, REAL time seeing Paramore (I saw them at Jingle Ball and they sang like 3 songs) and ugh they were SO FREAKING GOOD. I literally was screaming the whole time. Haley was dancing and singing right in front of us and she definitely looked a me and sang with me multiple times. She just has so much energy and so much happiness that you can't help but smile while watching her and the rest of them perform. It just is filled with such good vibes, ugh, it was amazing.
Then, when they were done, and I was already exhausted, dehydrated, sore, and almost broken, Fall Out Boy came out. Now, this was my third time seeing Fall Out Boy also, but this was probably the best. All of them are just perfect. Patrick is so passionate about what he does and you can just feel how into it he is and it just makes you want to rock out even harder. Pete talked a few times and said some really great things about how we should be our own superheroes and how we are in charge of our own happiness. I have it all on camera and it just meant a lot.
Basically, what I'm trying to say is, it was so perfect. This is the exact reason why I love going to concerts so much and it was 100% worth doing.
(Oh yeah, if you want to see pictures from tonight, go here)
Why Today Was Awesome: MONUMENTLIFE
Oh my god, today was a day. (Even though I'm writing this on Monday...)
SO. We woke up at 8, got ready, and went downstairs for free continental breakfast. Then we had a blastoff adventure, and then we were off!
It was about a half mile walk to the venue, except like half of it was uphill a parking lot and the sun was just blaring down on us.
Anyway, we got there at like 10 or 11 and we waited. And waited. And waited. There were no clouds and there was no shade. Honestly, the heat wasn't even that big of an issue. It gets hotter here with the humidity, it was more the fact that we were just IN the sun the whole time.
Anyway, at one point Jaime and I went to go to Safeway to get water (we were all so dehydrated) and food. We came back, ate, and waited.
Also, this whole time, we didn't really know what was going on because we had meet and greet tickets, but none of the event staff really know what was going to happen either. Anyway, eventually we got in a line for the meet and greet and by 5:00, they let us into the venue to wait.
They split us up into the two meet and greets, and then the next thing I knew, I was standing in front of a table where Fall Out Boy was sitting. Ugh. They were perfect. I mean, I didn't get to say much because it was rushed and plus I don't know what to say in a situation like that, but something that I did get a chance to do was I got Patrick to sign both a copy of "Save Rock and Roll" but also his solo album because that album means a lot to me. Then I got a picture with them and it was just a nice picture and ugh. It was great.
After that, the staff still didn't really know what was going on, but since we were basically at the front of the line, we convinced them to let us stay right nearby the stairs so when the doors officially opened, we would be the first ones. And we were. We saw people running behind us so we rushed down the stairs and made it to the barricade, so all 4 of us were on it.
After a bit more waiting, the craziness began. New Politics opened up. This was my third time seeing them and they were as energetic as always. The headlining show that we saw with them was still way better, but it was fun to see them again. And also cool to see Lolo come out, she was actually really good.
Then, after screaming their songs for a little, they left and we waiting, and then Paramore came out. Now, this was my first, like, REAL time seeing Paramore (I saw them at Jingle Ball and they sang like 3 songs) and ugh they were SO FREAKING GOOD. I literally was screaming the whole time. Haley was dancing and singing right in front of us and she definitely looked a me and sang with me multiple times. She just has so much energy and so much happiness that you can't help but smile while watching her and the rest of them perform. It just is filled with such good vibes, ugh, it was amazing.
Then, when they were done, and I was already exhausted, dehydrated, sore, and almost broken, Fall Out Boy came out. Now, this was my third time seeing Fall Out Boy also, but this was probably the best. All of them are just perfect. Patrick is so passionate about what he does and you can just feel how into it he is and it just makes you want to rock out even harder. Pete talked a few times and said some really great things about how we should be our own superheroes and how we are in charge of our own happiness. I have it all on camera and it just meant a lot.
Basically, what I'm trying to say is, it was so perfect. This is the exact reason why I love going to concerts so much and it was 100% worth doing.
(Oh yeah, if you want to see pictures from tonight, go here)
Why Today Was Awesome: MONUMENTLIFE
Taco Bell Quessaritos Eaten: 2
Books Read: 9
Airplanes Ridden: 14
Concerts Attended:10
Books Read: 9
Airplanes Ridden: 14
Concerts Attended:10
Enjoy these random tags:
last hope by paramore
This Stuff Needs to Be Done: A Life Story
(Seriously though, that title....)
Random pseudo-deep thought of the day: Maybe Frodo is everything that we don't want to be: timidly small, deeply afraid, gullible and frail. And Sam is all that we yearn to be: fiercely loyal, widely optimistic, driven, and a very good and caring friend. And that is why I have never heard anyone say "Ugh, I hate Samwise Gamgee in the books and the in the movies" and have always heard "Ughhhh FRODO makes me so angry."
I went out to brunch again today! That makes it the third brunch of the week...but then again, I made myself brunch on Thursday when I had the day off, so really, fourth. And no, it is not a problem. We ended up going to the nook, which was my second time this week. Now that one might be a problem, seeing as I have already gotten two of their most expensive menu items, so I should be good the next several times I go back. Yikes.
Right now, I am dragging myself through some Reading Comprehension. Every single time I try to do this, I end up giving up eighth of the way in, and taking a nap. But this stuff needs to happen! Fake interest until I make it through FOUR HOURS OF IT UGH WHY.
Okay, I have to go, because like the my life story title says, stuff needs to be done.
Did I tell you guys that I made popcorn chicken pasta yesterday? Not to brag, but it was kind of amazing.
Current food obsession: Poached eggs (which, I think, makes sense because of the eggs benny thing...)
Random pseudo-deep thought of the day: Maybe Frodo is everything that we don't want to be: timidly small, deeply afraid, gullible and frail. And Sam is all that we yearn to be: fiercely loyal, widely optimistic, driven, and a very good and caring friend. And that is why I have never heard anyone say "Ugh, I hate Samwise Gamgee in the books and the in the movies" and have always heard "Ughhhh FRODO makes me so angry."
I went out to brunch again today! That makes it the third brunch of the week...but then again, I made myself brunch on Thursday when I had the day off, so really, fourth. And no, it is not a problem. We ended up going to the nook, which was my second time this week. Now that one might be a problem, seeing as I have already gotten two of their most expensive menu items, so I should be good the next several times I go back. Yikes.
Right now, I am dragging myself through some Reading Comprehension. Every single time I try to do this, I end up giving up eighth of the way in, and taking a nap. But this stuff needs to happen! Fake interest until I make it through FOUR HOURS OF IT UGH WHY.
Okay, I have to go, because like the my life story title says, stuff needs to be done.
Did I tell you guys that I made popcorn chicken pasta yesterday? Not to brag, but it was kind of amazing.
Current food obsession: Poached eggs (which, I think, makes sense because of the eggs benny thing...)
Saturday, August 16, 2014
Bomb 'Em
Hey guys!!
Umm, a lot happened today.
Okay, we got up (not easily), got our stuff together and checked out of the hotel. We hopped on a bus. And then another bus. And then we were at Golden Gate Park. Mind you, we were carrying ALL of our stuff with us.
Then we ate at this good Caribbean/central american food place and it was good. Then, the walking began. We walked through the park (which is like miles long mind you) and we first came across a playground. Rebecca obviously ran straight to the playground. We then went on the carousel, which had a surprisingly good selection of animals (cats, dogs, zebras, lions, sea dragons), it was fun.
More walking (with bags) and then MOAR WALKING. There was a lot of walking. But eventually, we made it to this place that has bike rentals. We could have rented tandem bikes, but we eventually rented out for an hour this 4 person bike cart... It was freaking ridiculous but we cruised around that park man. We even went up to an ice cream truck IN THE FREAKING CART. I hate us.
Then we left the park and ended up waiting for a bus for an hour and a half (the first one left without even letting anyone on because it was too full).
But we got on the bus and got off at the actual Golden Gate bridge. We took pictures and walked around for a while. We climbed down some stairs to get to the water (WITH BAGS) and it was really nice. And while it was warm and stuff earlier and in the sun, by this point, there wasn't much sun and it was super windy so it was really cold, especially since we weren't well prepared.
Then, we climbed back up and by the time we started walking on the bridge, it was already dark. But walking on the bridge was something surreal. To walk and see all the cars drive past and the lights above. To look down and watch the current mix and flow underneath. To see the city lights in the distance. To look up and see the top of the bridge so high up that it was in the clouds. There was something so magical about it. How something that massive and that unique and that special could exist. This is why I like to travel. To see what we are capable of. To see what others have done and what we still can do. To watch and listen and take in all that there is. We are tiny. But we can do great things. That's what matters.
Sorry. Anyway. Then we got on another bus. Got off. Went to Burger King. Got super sketched out. Then got on a train/subway thing. Then got in a taxi. And got off. And here we are at our new hotel. It's 1 in the morning and we need to wake up early. I'm not ready for tomorrow.
Why Today Was Awesome: The Bridge
Umm, a lot happened today.
Okay, we got up (not easily), got our stuff together and checked out of the hotel. We hopped on a bus. And then another bus. And then we were at Golden Gate Park. Mind you, we were carrying ALL of our stuff with us.
Then we ate at this good Caribbean/central american food place and it was good. Then, the walking began. We walked through the park (which is like miles long mind you) and we first came across a playground. Rebecca obviously ran straight to the playground. We then went on the carousel, which had a surprisingly good selection of animals (cats, dogs, zebras, lions, sea dragons), it was fun.
More walking (with bags) and then MOAR WALKING. There was a lot of walking. But eventually, we made it to this place that has bike rentals. We could have rented tandem bikes, but we eventually rented out for an hour this 4 person bike cart... It was freaking ridiculous but we cruised around that park man. We even went up to an ice cream truck IN THE FREAKING CART. I hate us.
Then we left the park and ended up waiting for a bus for an hour and a half (the first one left without even letting anyone on because it was too full).
But we got on the bus and got off at the actual Golden Gate bridge. We took pictures and walked around for a while. We climbed down some stairs to get to the water (WITH BAGS) and it was really nice. And while it was warm and stuff earlier and in the sun, by this point, there wasn't much sun and it was super windy so it was really cold, especially since we weren't well prepared.
Then, we climbed back up and by the time we started walking on the bridge, it was already dark. But walking on the bridge was something surreal. To walk and see all the cars drive past and the lights above. To look down and watch the current mix and flow underneath. To see the city lights in the distance. To look up and see the top of the bridge so high up that it was in the clouds. There was something so magical about it. How something that massive and that unique and that special could exist. This is why I like to travel. To see what we are capable of. To see what others have done and what we still can do. To watch and listen and take in all that there is. We are tiny. But we can do great things. That's what matters.
Sorry. Anyway. Then we got on another bus. Got off. Went to Burger King. Got super sketched out. Then got on a train/subway thing. Then got in a taxi. And got off. And here we are at our new hotel. It's 1 in the morning and we need to wake up early. I'm not ready for tomorrow.
Why Today Was Awesome: The Bridge
Taco Bell Quessaritos Eaten: 2
Books Read: 9
Airplanes Ridden: 14
Concerts Attended: 9
Books Read: 9
Airplanes Ridden: 14
Concerts Attended: 9
Disagreements Over Happily Ever After Movie Endings
I believe that movies are an opportunity to suspend our notions about the world around us and to indulge ourselves in the ideal, the impossible, the romanticized. Movies grant us this so well. But there are exceptional movies that fail to do this; instead, they represent harsh realities, depict life with all its smears and tears and scabs. And often this is all it takes for a good movie to be an extraordinary one.
We can disagree about many things--whether or not the girl and the boy should have ended up together at the end, on how the story should have played out, how the main conflict should have been handled, even how a particular actor or actress portrays a character. And it is a good thing that we disagree about these things. If we did not, that means we would be the same exact person with the same exact experiences and uncontrollable feelings and deep-seated beliefs. We would live in the same house, have the same friends, wear the same clothes, and listen to the same music. And this is simply not the case with any two people in the world.
Before every experience, even something like watching a movie, we all bring different things to the table--different biases, preconceived notions about certain ideals and traditions, and more. And after the experience, we take different things with us. They may be the same things we arrived carrying, but different from each other nonetheless. I may believe that the guy and the girl should have worked it out. You may believe that it was simply not meant to be. These are disagreements that show how varied the people around us can be, how different we are.
These disagreements are not bad. In fact, they are welcome. They make life fuller, richer, more colorful. They bring levels of understanding, create layers of meaning, mold varying shapes of the truth--many different truths, all of which are as true as the next simply because we believe in them, we nurture them, we cultivate them.
And in disagreeing, we do the same thing--we learn, we play, we make mistakes. We understand one another. And is that not a markedly beautiful thing in the first place? Like how disparate and discordant sounds come together seamlessly to create a harmony.
In these disagreements, we see each other fully, glaringly. Those who cannot, who do not--they live in far less meaningful movies than those who seek to understand these disagreements. And in even less substantive films than those who, in understanding, grow to appreciate and love and be grateful for these disagreements that make the movies we absolutely love our shared favorites.
I like to watch movies. So I am thankful for these disagreements, and I seek to understand them, to cherish them. For what they bring make my life a lot richer, more colorful, and worth living in.
Current food obsessions: Eggs bennnnyyy
We can disagree about many things--whether or not the girl and the boy should have ended up together at the end, on how the story should have played out, how the main conflict should have been handled, even how a particular actor or actress portrays a character. And it is a good thing that we disagree about these things. If we did not, that means we would be the same exact person with the same exact experiences and uncontrollable feelings and deep-seated beliefs. We would live in the same house, have the same friends, wear the same clothes, and listen to the same music. And this is simply not the case with any two people in the world.
Before every experience, even something like watching a movie, we all bring different things to the table--different biases, preconceived notions about certain ideals and traditions, and more. And after the experience, we take different things with us. They may be the same things we arrived carrying, but different from each other nonetheless. I may believe that the guy and the girl should have worked it out. You may believe that it was simply not meant to be. These are disagreements that show how varied the people around us can be, how different we are.
These disagreements are not bad. In fact, they are welcome. They make life fuller, richer, more colorful. They bring levels of understanding, create layers of meaning, mold varying shapes of the truth--many different truths, all of which are as true as the next simply because we believe in them, we nurture them, we cultivate them.
And in disagreeing, we do the same thing--we learn, we play, we make mistakes. We understand one another. And is that not a markedly beautiful thing in the first place? Like how disparate and discordant sounds come together seamlessly to create a harmony.
In these disagreements, we see each other fully, glaringly. Those who cannot, who do not--they live in far less meaningful movies than those who seek to understand these disagreements. And in even less substantive films than those who, in understanding, grow to appreciate and love and be grateful for these disagreements that make the movies we absolutely love our shared favorites.
I like to watch movies. So I am thankful for these disagreements, and I seek to understand them, to cherish them. For what they bring make my life a lot richer, more colorful, and worth living in.
Current food obsessions: Eggs bennnnyyy
Enjoy these random tags:
this day
Friday, August 15, 2014
Gah Make It Stop!
I GAVE IN AND FINALLY BOUGHT THE FREAKING NIKES! They were calling my name. They really were. Like the guy at the cash register said, I could run away from the cops wearing these shoes cause they're so light...but they'd spot me from a mile away because of how bright they are.
I don't even know how many days I have missed. It's official. I suck. What day even is it today?
I had brunch with Adrienne today at Tango and we spent the morning at Nordstrom Rack being tall and stuff. It was a good break from studying, albeit short. But it was much needed! I have been feeling down a lot lately--yesterday was really tiring despite not having to go in for work. I did get a lot of stuff done though, but I am still catching up with class. I have an exam on Sunday so I am hoping I will feel better about it by then.
Tomorrow, I have a service event for Mortar Board so I will most likely be talking about that in my post. If I even remember. GAH!
Current food obsession: Eggs benedict (I blame the brunches)
I don't even know how many days I have missed. It's official. I suck. What day even is it today?
I had brunch with Adrienne today at Tango and we spent the morning at Nordstrom Rack being tall and stuff. It was a good break from studying, albeit short. But it was much needed! I have been feeling down a lot lately--yesterday was really tiring despite not having to go in for work. I did get a lot of stuff done though, but I am still catching up with class. I have an exam on Sunday so I am hoping I will feel better about it by then.
Tomorrow, I have a service event for Mortar Board so I will most likely be talking about that in my post. If I even remember. GAH!
Current food obsession: Eggs benedict (I blame the brunches)
Comic Sans is Never the Answer
Hey guys!!
Ugh, today was the most.
So first, we were supposed to wake up at like 6, but then Gavin and Rebecca being the sneaky doo doo heads that they are, they changed MY alarm to 8. (By the way, the made it here to the hotel from Yosemite at like 2:30 in the morning last night. They looked like homeless people.)
So we got up, got ready, got continental breakfast (BECAUSE IT WAS FREE) and hopped on a bus... And then another bus while we were at it...
It was weird. San Francisco is weird. I don't know, I mean, all the cities I have been to have been very similar and different. (Seattle, LA, Vancouver, Chicago, and now SF (and I guess Honolulu if you could even count that)). Like, it definitely has its own style and type of people and just thing. It was cool.
We ate at a hipster cafe and I had a turkey sandwich #clutch.
Then we walked up to the Coit Tower which is just some random tower at the top of a hill. Like. Why.
But the view was really nice and it was super cool and it wasn't cold and you could see everything: the bay, the Golden Gate Bridge, Alcatraz, the city, EVERYTHING!
We then walked (mind you, we did a LOT of walking) to the pier and did things... I don't even remember, oh god. Umm we just walked and looked at the water and all the street performers and stuff.
The awkward moment was when I saw this girl that I see EVERYWHERE. She goes to all the concerts that I do in Seattle. But the awkward part is that I follow her on tumblr and I have for a while now. Like, what?
We found this arcade that was filled with all these old games from like the 20's. It was really interesting too see what people used to use to entertain themselves with, you know.
After that, we found an In-N-Out and it was perfect. (Next door was a Chipotle and my heart died).
Then more walking. It got kind of cold at this point. We touched the water, went to a candy shop, went to a Ghirardelli shop. Walked out on a pier/dock thing.
Then got on a bus. Then a train. Now we are here in the hotel.
Day 1 down.
Why Today Was Awesome: WALLLKKKINGGGGG
Ugh, today was the most.
So first, we were supposed to wake up at like 6, but then Gavin and Rebecca being the sneaky doo doo heads that they are, they changed MY alarm to 8. (By the way, the made it here to the hotel from Yosemite at like 2:30 in the morning last night. They looked like homeless people.)
So we got up, got ready, got continental breakfast (BECAUSE IT WAS FREE) and hopped on a bus... And then another bus while we were at it...
It was weird. San Francisco is weird. I don't know, I mean, all the cities I have been to have been very similar and different. (Seattle, LA, Vancouver, Chicago, and now SF (and I guess Honolulu if you could even count that)). Like, it definitely has its own style and type of people and just thing. It was cool.
We ate at a hipster cafe and I had a turkey sandwich #clutch.
Then we walked up to the Coit Tower which is just some random tower at the top of a hill. Like. Why.
But the view was really nice and it was super cool and it wasn't cold and you could see everything: the bay, the Golden Gate Bridge, Alcatraz, the city, EVERYTHING!
We then walked (mind you, we did a LOT of walking) to the pier and did things... I don't even remember, oh god. Umm we just walked and looked at the water and all the street performers and stuff.
The awkward moment was when I saw this girl that I see EVERYWHERE. She goes to all the concerts that I do in Seattle. But the awkward part is that I follow her on tumblr and I have for a while now. Like, what?
We found this arcade that was filled with all these old games from like the 20's. It was really interesting too see what people used to use to entertain themselves with, you know.
After that, we found an In-N-Out and it was perfect. (Next door was a Chipotle and my heart died).
Then more walking. It got kind of cold at this point. We touched the water, went to a candy shop, went to a Ghirardelli shop. Walked out on a pier/dock thing.
Then got on a bus. Then a train. Now we are here in the hotel.
Day 1 down.
Why Today Was Awesome: WALLLKKKINGGGGG
Taco Bell Quessaritos Eaten: 2
Books Read: 9
Airplanes Ridden: 14 (hehehehehehe)
Concerts Attended: 9
Books Read: 9
Airplanes Ridden: 14 (hehehehehehe)
Concerts Attended: 9
Thursday, August 14, 2014
Popcorn Chicken
Hey guys!
Sooooooo.... I'm in San Fransisco right now (even though it's 12:30 here, it's 9:30 at home so it still counts)!
We literally just got to the hotel.
Getting here was super stressful though. First of all, we got to the airport kind of late. And it was the most busy that I have ever seen it. Like honestly, who goes to the airport. But then, also, we are flying standby because we aint about that airfare paying life. I don't know, I just freak about things, and we were at the bottom of the standby list so I was freaking out. But, you know, it worked out cause we got on the plane and we are here and it's weird and life.
Yup. Then Jaime's dad picked us up and got us Burger King so it's aight.
Kay, that's it. DUECES.
Why Today Was Awesome: SAN FRANSISCO!!!!!
Taco Bell Quessaritos Eaten: 2
Books Read: 9
Airplanes Ridden: 14 (hehehehehehe)
Concerts Attended: 9
Books Read: 9
Airplanes Ridden: 14 (hehehehehehe)
Concerts Attended: 9
Wednesday, August 13, 2014
This May Be a Loaded Question But...
Hey guys!
Today was my last day at work for a little while... Therefore I was getting things ready for Dev and registration and life. I also spent a lot of the time Bible writing, cause I have a lot of knowledge in my head and some of it should be written down, I guess. Also, I kind of died inside today when Erik said (about a Japanese football team that is at campus all week) "This may be a loaded question but has anybody noticed all the Japanese people lying around campus?"... I was like "Yeah!" and then I was like "Wait... I see what you did there". I couldn't even ha ha ha.
Tomorrow I say Dueces, so that will be exciting!
Also, something that I can't get off my mind, I know I actually never think about/get involved with any type of current event/politics or whatever, but I can't stop thinking about the whole thing that is happening in Ferguson. Like, I don't know, it's crazy and wrong and all types of things. I don't really have much to say about it other than Wow.
Why Today Was Awesome: Here we go...
Taco Bell Quessaritos Eaten: 2
Books Read: 9
Airplanes Ridden: 13
Concerts Attended: 9
Books Read: 9
Airplanes Ridden: 13
Concerts Attended: 9
Enjoy these random tags:
all over the place today
High Five for Hidden Places
I spent half the day with Adrienne today, which was good. It is the first of our series of going out dates for the last two weeks before school starts. It was good. It was like we just had lunch with each other last weekend and are getting together again. In reality, we haven't seen each other since winter break.
It was good. It was liberating. Spending time with Adrienne always feels like taking a vacation from everything. It is a pause without really stopping time. She tends to be able to do that because she's got magical powers.
Current food obsession: Contrary to most people think, I don't always have a food obsession...
It was good. It was liberating. Spending time with Adrienne always feels like taking a vacation from everything. It is a pause without really stopping time. She tends to be able to do that because she's got magical powers.
Current food obsession: Contrary to most people think, I don't always have a food obsession...
Shark Week? More Like Shark Life, amiright?
Nope. Jen won Tuesday, I went to bed at 8:30 'cause I can't hang.
But really. I worked yesterday and that's all I did. Basically just preparing for the possible onslaught to come.
Oh, and I got really emotional after reading the lyrics of "Ignorance" by Paramore 'cause I'm weak. But really, I can't handle life sometimes.
Why Today Was Awesome: Tiffany
Taco Bell Quessaritos Eaten: 2
Books Read: 9 (hehe)
Airplanes Ridden: 13
Concerts Attended: 9
Books Read: 9 (hehe)
Airplanes Ridden: 13
Concerts Attended: 9
Tuesday, August 12, 2014
Really I suck at this now
And by this I mean life. I am so exhausted all the time. I went to sleep at 9:30 last night, so that just goes to show you that Kendall is winning in life. And I am just losing in life. I couldn't even finish my practice uuuugggggh!
I have a meeting tonight. And by meeting I mean like can we get Korean food and then go to the Coffee Bean to take advantage of their electricity and WiFi so that we can figure out stuff about metal objects that can open locks which happen to be a shiny color and also tea with bubbles and how to make lots of money off of them.
Okay bye.
Current food obsession: Mug cakes (still)
I have a meeting tonight. And by meeting I mean like can we get Korean food and then go to the Coffee Bean to take advantage of their electricity and WiFi so that we can figure out stuff about metal objects that can open locks which happen to be a shiny color and also tea with bubbles and how to make lots of money off of them.
Okay bye.
Current food obsession: Mug cakes (still)
It's 1:47 and I Just Got Home
I have to wake up in like 3 hours....
Umm today was good. Work was more stressful then expected.
I came home.
I went back out.
I had three dinners (Chicken, Saimin, and a Spam Musubi).
We went to Christmas Tree Park even though the Christmas Tree wasn't lit up. #YOLO
We broke into a construction site at the top of the mountain.
Life man.
Why Today Was Awesome: Tiffany
Taco Bell Quessaritos Eaten: 2
Books Read: 9 (hehe)
Airplanes Ridden: 13
Concerts Attended: 9
Books Read: 9 (hehe)
Airplanes Ridden: 13
Concerts Attended: 9
Sunday, August 10, 2014
Probably One of My Most Important Posts of the Month
Hey guys!
The exciting thing that DID happen was that I finally finished "Naomi and Ely's No Kiss List". I don't know man. A lot of feels going on. Okay, I'm gonna try and not compare it too much to it's two companions, but I'm gonna compare them, let's be real. I know that I read them COMPLETELY out of order, but that's alight. I think that this one might have been my favorite.... (I'm talking about this book, "Nick and Norah's Infinite Playlist", and "Dash and Lily's Book of Dares").
Let me just say this first, that is one hell of a bathroom... (actually, one hell of a venue, like, it goes from hardcore punk scene to a drag club? Like catch me there?)
But really, I mean, like, this is the one that I could relate to the easiest (obviously). At times, it was actually scary how much I related to it... But that wasn't even the reason that I ended up liking it so much. Like, honestly, I didn't even care about Ely and Bruce's relationship. I didn't even like Ely that much. He's kind of really irritating and he didn't see what was going on right in front of him. I also don't generally like "break up" stories. Or at least, I don't want to read a whole book about people being sad and trying to fix things. I don't know, I guess that that kind of makes it true to life, but at the same time, they all screwed up and it made me mad.
What I did like about it: the narration was interesting. Like, we got to see everyone's point of view and that was cool. I liked the set up of the story in general, how they lived in that apartment building that was like a little community. But what I liked the most was that the point of the story WASN'T about the romantic relationships, it was about Naomi and Ely's friendship. Honestly, the last few lines of the book hit me hard and it summarizes why I loved the book so much.
"I could have stayed over with Bruce, but this is where I wanted to end my night. This is what I wanted to come back to. This is as much a part of my story as anything else. Friendship is love as much as any romance. And like any love, it's difficult and treacherous and confusing. But in the moment when your knees touch, there's nothing else you could ever want. It's a total lie to say there's only one person you're going to be with for the rest of your life. If you're lucky - and if you try really hard - there will always be more than one."
Why Today Was Awesome: Naomi and Ely
Taco Bell Quessaritos Eaten: 2
Books Read: 9 (hehe)
Airplanes Ridden: 13
Concerts Attended: 9
Books Read: 9 (hehe)
Airplanes Ridden: 13
Concerts Attended: 9
Enjoy these random tags:
fuck you david leviathan
Elevator Music is Playing Right Now But I Am Not In An Elevator
It was the election. And the whole "getting my life together" part, which is actually going pretty well. I did a lot yesterday. But I ended up staying up and watching primary election coverage which was a lot of nail-biting and waiting for printouts, and the Senate race is still too close to call! We shall see.
I am in need of some down-time-bro-time, just cause I am so tired all the time. I think that is what I needed over the trip, which is why I ended up at Agu on my first day back for a sixsome dinner. Agu, by the way, guys. Just. Agu! I like good food, and I love good food that is also cheap. But freaking Agu is so good, I am beginning to reconsider the fact that fifteen bucks is usually more than what I am willing to pay for a bowl of ramen. Seriously. I feel bad because it's like I am having an affair and I am cheating on Yotteko-Ya. But anyway, it was okay, we softened the financial blows with 75 cent softserves at Burger King because come one what's a BWC dinner without cheap desserts right?
Okay, I gotta go, my online class has started.
Current food obsessions: FREAKING MUG CAKES
I am in need of some down-time-bro-time, just cause I am so tired all the time. I think that is what I needed over the trip, which is why I ended up at Agu on my first day back for a sixsome dinner. Agu, by the way, guys. Just. Agu! I like good food, and I love good food that is also cheap. But freaking Agu is so good, I am beginning to reconsider the fact that fifteen bucks is usually more than what I am willing to pay for a bowl of ramen. Seriously. I feel bad because it's like I am having an affair and I am cheating on Yotteko-Ya. But anyway, it was okay, we softened the financial blows with 75 cent softserves at Burger King because come one what's a BWC dinner without cheap desserts right?
Okay, I gotta go, my online class has started.
Current food obsessions: FREAKING MUG CAKES
Saturday, August 9, 2014
Nobody Dreams When They Blink
Hey guys!
I woke up too early today. But I had a spam musubi from 7 Eleven so it was okay.
I woke up at like 6 and then we went out to the west side to go on a hike. Wasn't the best idea cause it was kind of super muddy, but, you know, it was pretty cool. On the way down, I basically just slid down the mud the whole time.
Then, I came home and slept. It was a good time.
After that, I finished the second season of "My Mad Fat Diary". Oh god. It was everything. Honestly, it is now one of my top 5 shows. I seriously could not just cause there were so many truths in it. Like, ugh. Please watch it.
Well, speaking of my top 5 shows, let's see if I can figure them out...
In no particular order:
Shameless, Avatar/Korra (only counts as one), My Mad Fat Diary, Doctor Who, and The Office.
Yup, I said it.
Why Today Was Awesome: Rae
Taco Bell Quessaritos Eaten: 2 (No shame)
Books Read: 8
Airplanes Ridden: 13
Concerts Attended: 9
Books Read: 8
Airplanes Ridden: 13
Concerts Attended: 9
Enjoy these random tags:
kitchen sink by twenty one pilots
It All Starts Here
I blame the storm...
lol jk what storm.
But really yesterday was just sit at home do nothing and watch it drizzle outside.
But yeah. Good times. Did not do much... I honestly don't have much to say. Life's happen though. Be ready.
Why Today Was Awesome: No Work!
Taco Bell Quessaritos Eaten: 1
Books Read: 8
Airplanes Ridden: 13
Concerts Attended: 9
Books Read: 8
Airplanes Ridden: 13
Concerts Attended: 9
Friday, August 8, 2014
Take Them, Take Them All
I am trying to put my life together. It is like I took a break for my vacation but I wasn't ready to come back to reality so I resisted and now here I am trying to pick up the pieces after the storm except the storm hasn't finished yet because we have two right now, one after the other. That was almost pseudo-deep in a not so pseudo-deep way. Also. I am one of those millenials who uses the prefix pseudo. Like what.
It's the to-do lists man. So many to-do lists. If you think about it, they are what make you organized and calm about all the stuff that you have to do because they tell you what needs to be done, it's quite methodical. Do thing. Check off thing. Done. But at the same time they are also the entryway into that horrid state of being called Being Busy. It is evil. Once you start believing in the To-Do List, there is no going back. You have no choice but to Do-thing-then-check-off-thing over and over again, until there are no things to Do-thing-then-check-off. But that never happens BECAUSE THERE ARE ALWAYS THINGS TO DO-THING-THEN-CHECK-OFF.
I need to bake something.
It's the to-do lists man. So many to-do lists. If you think about it, they are what make you organized and calm about all the stuff that you have to do because they tell you what needs to be done, it's quite methodical. Do thing. Check off thing. Done. But at the same time they are also the entryway into that horrid state of being called Being Busy. It is evil. Once you start believing in the To-Do List, there is no going back. You have no choice but to Do-thing-then-check-off-thing over and over again, until there are no things to Do-thing-then-check-off. But that never happens BECAUSE THERE ARE ALWAYS THINGS TO DO-THING-THEN-CHECK-OFF.
I need to bake something.
Thursday, August 7, 2014
Hey guys!
Today was ridiculous. It was actually a really good balance of being productive and also being stupid. We put away most of the stuff for the i2 classes while also finished the catalog for GOOD AND got ready for the storms.
Like, we had to defrost our fridges in case the power goes out so we put them outside but it wasn't melting fast enough. Naturally I had to take a box of matches and light a fire in a mug to try and melt it down.
Then I noticed that we had food coloring in the office, so naturally I dumped like half of one of the bottles into the salsa jar.... I made a mistake guys....
I don't know man, just life is just ridiculous sometimes. I am not complaining at all though.
But #realtalk, stay safe tomorrow if you are here. #stayalive
Why Today Was Awesome: Work is ridiculous
Taco Bell Quessaritos Eaten: 1
Books Read: 8
Airplanes Ridden: 13
Concerts Attended: 9
Books Read: 8
Airplanes Ridden: 13
Concerts Attended: 9
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a very potter musical
beda 2011
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harry potter
hermione can't draw to save her life or harry's for that matter
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lets go outside
math not even once
mayflower goal
my attempt at being deep/vlogbrothersy
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summer blah
summer reading
the hunger games