Sunday, December 30, 2012


I just got home just now. Kinda exhausted. Straightsies to bedsies. Be back tomorrow guys.


Hey everyone! Today is the last day of 2012! And what better way to spend it than, you know, lounging around with family. Well, except my dad; he went to work for half the day but he came home early, but he counts because he went straight to sleep and is no watching TV. It's funny because I had trouble teaching my mom the concept of "Lounge/Lazy Day" in the beginning of the break, but now, she's pretty pro at it. I mean, her idea of "Lounge/Lazy" is pretty different--she works on her plants and fools around on her laptop--but at least she's not stressing and doing chores!

The rest of us all woke up late and we had a lazy breakfast with  a berry muffin cake that I baked with some coffee and tea (mmm, tea). Mom retreated to her plants for most of the morning, Josh and Shayne to their laptops and myself to my phone (because my laptop wasn't fully ready yet). I spent most of my morning with Lizzie Bennet Diaries and pre-Hobbit preps. And Words with Friends. Then when my dad got home, I finally was able to work on my new laptop. So most of my afternoon was full of installing and downloading and personalizing and setting up. And it's done! Well kinda, as much as it will be done and deemed "mine" at this moment, anyway.

Today was probably the only day that I worked so much (in terms of on my laptop); I can feel it; my shoulders are in need of a massage now. Well, I guess you could kinda count the three days that I spent hanging out at 'Iolani as Work Days, as well, because Kendall and I helped out at different places here and there. And we both agreed that we did more work in those three days than we did in our first semesters of college!

Now that 2012 is coming to a close and there is only a week before school starts again, I have to start getting down to business. Not to defeat the huns, but to buy my books, start packing my stuff, clean out my desktop, go back to work (on the 2nd!) etc. But it is also a time to reflect and decide on my New Year's resolutions. 

2012 was definitely a good year. I think I've only had a few years where I can confidently say, "Yep this was a good year.": 2007 (age 13), 2010 (age 16), and 2012 (age 18). Now, 2013 doesn't sound too pleasing to the ear, does it? Going into 2012, I remember feeling excited but 2013 feels iffy to me. I have the tiniest bit of apprehension. Inexplicably, I also have never felt so determined in achieving my goals so maybe that is a good thing!

Of course, the end of the year also means that we have to thank all of you for staying with us and being our friends. We started this three years ago and we like to think that we've grown and improved over time. Hopefully, we can keep this going for as long as we deem it fun!

I wish you all 2013 full of happiness and love! May you make new friends, come across amazing opportunities, find delight in new things, and continue to be awesome!

Enjoy some memorable quotes from the break:

-"Um, are you taking a picture of your foot?"
-"Don't worry about it."

-"I didn't choose the thug life. I got a job.

(Whilst playing Catchphrase)
-"You know when you open your Christmas gift and there's a rhino's butt inside and you're like, 'OMG, that is horrible.'"

-"Hey, let's play "Choo Choo Like a Hobo!"
-"No, it's Christmas. Let's play something we can all play together."
-"......Ok, let's all download "Choo Choo Like a Hobo" on our respective phones."

-"Hey, you still have to pay me for your gift!"


Extraordinary Chickens

Hey guys!!!

Okay, more cray-ness in the K-Town. This week was kind of non-stop for me. I spent Christmas Eve and Christmas at home and it was all a good time and such. The day after we went to go see the city lights and then the day after there was hiking and alumni socializing. After that was two days of wrestling and another Christmas party. 

I'm going back in a week and while it kind of feels like I haven't even left, it also feels like I have barely even been here. I've been nonstop ever since I got home and I think it's going to be like that until I leave. It kind of sucks that I have to leave in a week, but what I keep telling myself is something inspired by the awesome Amy Krouse Rosenthal: Make. The. Most. Of. Your. Time. Here. And that's what I'm trying to do. 

There is a part of me that is excited to go back to school, but I really want to be able to enjoy the rest of my time here first. Anyway, yeah, that's been my life. I've been kind of sups sleep deprived (which is really weird after a ridiculous amount of sleep in college) so I'm gonna get some sleep. 

Oh yeah, and freaking 2012 ends tomorrow?!?!? WHAT!?!??! Ha ha I honestly don't even have the time to think back and reflect about it. Okay, I promise that after I get off the plane next Sunday, I'll tell you guys all about my 2012 and highlights and all that good stuff and such. Until then, see you in 2013???

Books Read: 17 
Free Meals: 58
Why This Week Was Awesome: So Much Da Cray
Song Stuck in My Head: "Take a Walk" by Passion Pit

Tuesday, December 25, 2012



Second, I apologize for the format and the lack of blog last week. I remembered on Monday morning and then was like, "Ehh I will do it on Christmas Day."


"Remember today, guys. Today life is good. Today life loves us all." 

It has been a wonderful past couple of weeks and it is bound to get better.

Loves to all my dearies. :)

Sunday, December 23, 2012

Humanity is Good

Hey guys!!!

So this week was my first week back on winter break! Woooooo! It was actually super fun too. From Monday to Thursday, I spent most of my time at school. It was really fun and there was free food and lots of cool people and just all around awesomeness. It makes me sad that I'm not there anymore, but at the same time, grateful that I am able to come back to it. 

Then on Friday and yesterday, there was a wrestling tournament. It was so much fun helping out again. The only bums part was that I had to leave a little early on Saturday because we had our mafia christmas party! It was really great to be with everyone again. It reminded me of something that Barnesie said one time about college. It was something along the lines of how you make friends in college, so you have friends there, but then when you come back, you have you home friends. So no matter where you are, you have awesome friends. 

Anyway, Christmas is in two days!!!! WHAT!!??!?!?!?!?! ANYONE ELSE EXCITED!?!?!??! BECAUSE I AM!!!!!!!! I still need to finish Let it Snow. I have the last story to go, but I think I'll read it tonight. I can't believe that it's Christmas already. Although, I'm not one to say something like "This year went by so fast" because my entire life has been going by so fast. 

Okay, enough for today. To sum up for the week: I'm glad to be home and everything is awesome. Boom. 

Books Read: 16
Free Meals: 56!!!! (SO MUCH FREE NOM!)
Why This Week Was Awesome: Too many reasons to choose
Song Stuck in My Head: 

Sunday, December 16, 2012

I Really Must Go

Hey guys!!!

So much stuff!!!!

First, this week consisted of my last final. That wasn't bad. The main time consumer was the Project for Awesome video that we have been working on! It's done!!! It's ready to go up, we just have to wait till tomorrow for the project to start! Make sure to go to to see it!

So that was the bulk of this week. There was basically a lot of waiting to come home. Which I did yesterday!!! The first thing that I did was go and see The Hobbit!!!! It was really really good and I'm happy about it!

Oh, and I got my grades. An A for Math, a high B for Chem, and a C for English. I know, I know, a C... But I'm actually kind of happy about that. It's high enough to fulfill the requirement that I need, and I was really worried that I wouldn't get high enough. Now I'm done with English forever!!!

Then today, I basically hung out with my family, which was a good time. We just got done watching Elf, one of my all time favorite Christmas movies. I've also been reading Let it Snow for the third time. I'm done with the second story, I was reading it on the plane. It's always a fun time reading that book. 

Oh god, this commercial is using comic sans. It's gross. Sorry, off track. 

So then, this week is gonna be literally the best thing in the world. I'm spending most of the week at school, which will be awesome. Tomorrow, I'm going to dinner with some friends, some of which who I haven't seen in forever. Then, this Friday is a wrestling tournament, which I'm so excited about. Then on Saturday, our Christmas party. This Christmas break is going to be awesome.

Okay, I should be off to bed seeing as I need to wake up early tomorrow, just like old times. Ahhh, so excited. Kay, bye guys!

Books Read: 16!!!
Free Meals: 50
Why This Week Was Awesome: HOME!!!
Song Stuck in My Head: "Baby It's Cold Outside"

How Great is Life?

Hi everyone! Before I forget, remember to go on YouTube tomorrow for Project 4 Awesome! Watch, like, comment and share tons of videos about various charities and causes around the world. Help us decrease worldsuck! Kendall and I made a video about an organization called "Littlethings" so make sure that you guys go check that out. We filmed it separately and then Kendall worked some iMovie Magic to make it amazing! Super excited!

Winter break has officially started as of yesterday, and I spent the day judging a speech and debate tournament at Punahou. To end this semester, I had planned to write about something meaningful and lengthy but I am still laptop-less. Earlier this week, my little Trippy gave me the Blue Screen of Death. *sigh* I am just glad that it happened AFTER all of my final papers were due. Anyway, yes, I don't have a laptop at the moment so I am doing this from my phone (sorry about the formatting). But I will be back tomorrow to write about my planned topic. For now, I am going to take a shower and then read a little bit (finally!) and then sleep. I just got back from a Christmas party and am quite tired. One thing that I should mention now about that though: We did Secret Santa Grab Bag Gift Thing and the one I picked was A COFFEE MAKER. And then Caitlyn stole it. That is my life. Basically. Story of my life right there. But it was all right, she is such a sweetheart so I couldn't really be mad. It was fun because there were really good gag gifts. Bryson got a Nickelback CD (bahahahahahaha), Alicia got a whole cantaloupe, and Aaron got a Barbie DVD and a set of "manly" fragrances called "Six-Pack Abs" and something like "You Know You Want Me" or whatever. Oh and the third one was called "Black." Yep.

Ok enough for now. I am in need of hot water and reading time. Be back tomorrow essay. Basically. Yeah it's going to be one of those. It's the end of the semester. So I have feels.

I will also dole out my bottom stuffs tomorrow. (Which reminds me, I should change them for the new year...ideas welcome.)

---Wednesday, December 19, 2012, 4:38pm, Special Programs Office: ADD-ON!!!---

Hey guys, I'm sorry for not updating on Monday, like I said I would. Anyway, the main topic that I wanted to talk about was the end of the semester. Yes, the first semester of college is OFFICIALLY OVER! I can't believe that it is. In some ways, it was really fast, but in some ways it was really slow. In terms of classes and stuff, the semester was fast. In terms of missing friends in the mainland, it went by slowly. 

One of the things that made it worthwhile though were the friends I made over the first semester. I am speaking, in particular, about two friends I made this semester: Andre and Scott. They are about as different as two people can be, and I befriended them in different ways, but both have made my time in college this first semester so much better than I expected. 

Andre is loud and funny high maintenance. Really. He cares about his hair and skin more than I do about my own! But despite the fact that he is like this, I have never felt so comfortable around anyone than I do with Andre. Despite the fact that he puts so much stock on his appearance, I don't feel insecure at all around him. I can't explain why (because I don't know why) but it's like that, even if we have only hung out a few times and we didn't become good friends until late into the semester. All of my insecurities about myself, any doubts that I have about my looks or whatever, they all disappear. I can't explain it at all because it would make sense for me to feel incredibly insecure about myself if I hung out with someone who cares so much about how they looked, right? BUT I DON'T. I mean, I have told him once before to sniff my hair. Like. What even. What even man.

Scott is quiet(ly mean haha!), thoughtful, and always positive. I cannot tell you how many times he has put a smile on my face. He is naturally a zapper who always thinks of others and is always ready to help. From the surprise cups of Starbucks caramel macchiatos, to the "Happy Friday" computer signs, to being an awesome driver, he has given me at least one thing to look forward to about going to school and going to work throughout the semester. He has helped me with office stuff, teaching me the ropes and walking me through some of the harder tasks. He has helped me with UH stuff in general, giving me advice on professors and classes to take and what to expect throughout the semester. 

In these two, I have found amazing and (hopefully!) lifelong friends. In these two, I have found thoughtful and trustworthy brothers I can depend on. If anyone were to ask me to list names of people with whom I would trust my life, both of their names would be included. 

But, sadly, with the end of this fall semester comes bitter goodbyes. Andre has flown back to New Jersey and will be transferring to a school nearer his home. Who am I going to ask about my hair? With whom will I have a supernatural experience with? (Andre has a third eye.) Who is going to SNIFF MY HAIR AND NOD IN APPROVAL BECAUSE IT SMELLS SO GOOD? It won't be the same without Andre. I mean, it will still be fun. But not in the same Andre-fun way.

Scott will be flying to Disney World soon for a semester-long internship with Disney. I cannot think of anyone more deserving of a position at the happiest place on Earth than the happiest and most caring person alive. Although I am extremely excited and happy for Scott to embark on this awesome opportunity, I am also very sad that he will be far away this semester. Who am I going to ask for help in the office? Who is going to cover up for me when I make mistakes? Who is going to pick up our Starbucks coffees and show everyone in the office love and awesomeness?

I am incredibly excited for the both of them to be taking new opportunities and heartbroken that those opportunities are far away. But there is Instagram, and Facebook, and blogging (you can follow Scott at and, of course, the hope that I shall very soon be with them again. 

Risks: 38 (TWO DURING FINALS WEEK OMG. Oh and also, my hair guys.)Hugs: I spent the day in Iolani today so....LOTSAHUGSCurrent food obsessions/cravings: so much foodPlaylists on Repeat: Singer-Songwriter Stuffies
Books Read Since Graduation: 6 (ALMOST DONE WITH LET IT SNOW!)

Sunday, December 9, 2012

The House with the Sycamore Tree

Hello everyone, I hope everyone had a better week than I did!

This week was hell week for me and the only good thing about it is that it's OVER. Well, that's not the only good thing, not really. But anyway, let's do a rundown of all the bad stuff to get all of that out of the way and then we can focus on the good stuff!

Bad Stuff--Be Gone!
I had a bunch of stuff due because four of my six classes don't have actual sit-down-and-take-a-test finals. Instead we have final papers. So I had three of them due this week. One was due on Monday, that was for AMST 150, my sort-of-like-APUSH class, and that wasn't so bad. That was cake. 

Then on Wednesday, I had en essay due for my econ class which was for extra credit which I really need. It was basically the entire financial crisis explained in, like, three pages. As much as I hated doing it, and as much as I do not enjoy econ class, I am actually thankful that I took the class because now I actually know what's going on and I can say that I know what a sub-prime mortgage is and I feel smart that I know what a collateralized debt obligation is. NERD WIN. 

Then on Thursday, I had to turn in my final paper for my other American Studies class, and that one was cake, too. So much cake that I actually finished it Monday night and turned it in at 2am early Tuesday morning. Why did I do that? Because, also, on Thursday, I had to submit two journal entries and take three quizzes for my linguistics class, which I did on time. After, my teacher was like, "Wait, you did one extra quiz. You're supposed to take 14, but you took 15. A+ Jen!" and I was like, "Yayy! Thanks ok bye!" Also, two chapters' worth of homework for econ.

Thursday was the last day of classes because December 7 was Pearl Harbor Day so UH gave it to us as a study day. I was planning on sleeping in and then working on my huge final paper for political science, but no. I went to work for four hours until noon and then walked back to the dorms. THEN I worked on my paper. I had been struggling with this paper for weeks because I had no idea what to write about. And when I finally got my question approved, my research went nowhere because I could not find anything about my topic. So I had to change it, and that happened twice, and I actually ended up changing it, like, Friday night, as well, in the interest of time. I hated it a lot just because it was giving me such a hard time when it shouldn't and also, I couldn't go to Josh's Winter Concert because of it. I couldn't stay up anymore on Friday night so I went to bed and I actually forgot to set an alarm, but thankfully, I woke up by chance at 6:15am and went straight to work all the way until 9:57am when I clicked "Send"--it was due at 10am and I had only started working on the Bibliography at around 9:35ish and I was like, "OH MY GOD I NEED TO GET THESE CITATIONS IN THERE!" So I went through it really quickly, saved, and then emailed it. After I made sure that it went through, I literally threw myself face-down on the carpet and cried obnoxiously, growled at myself for putting myself through that, and made unattractive whale sounds for a good twenty minutes. Then I patted my laptop for being such a trooper this week and rewarded her with a full 36 hours of rest that she deserves. And for the rest of the day, I worked mindlessly on Josh's parols and watched Iron Chef, which I continued to do today before my mom dropped me off earlier this afternoon. Such is my life.

I only have two finals this week and my first one is the religion final on Tuesday. And then econ on Friday. I CAN DO THIS. ALMOST THERE.

Okay, now for the good stuff. On Tuesday, I found out that the Taco Bell on campus was having a 10 for $10 deal. So, of course, I had to get tacos. So I did. And I shared them with the office because I couldn't eat them all, of course. Then I met up with Rebecca after work and we went over and sat by the "Japanese garden" on campus and ate tacos by the water. Then we took the more exciting way back to the dorms which included having to climb down to the stream and then following a path that you could kinda see along the water. I will not bother to describe it when you can just watch it! We vlogged as we walked.

That was also the afternoon that I napped. We got back to the dorms at around 6 and I went straight to sleep and I didn't wake up until it was almost 9. I set an alarm but when I woke up, I had no idea who I was, where I was, or why in the world I was hearing an obnoxious beeping coming from the shelf above my head for a good minute or so. Then I remembered and I got up to do the work I talked about above.

On Wednesday, I basically spent the day just working in Rebecca's studio. And then Rebecca and I went to Manoa Safeway, which took way longer than expected. And that was adventure-ish. Kinda. No, maybe not. 

Then Rebecca, Andre, and I went out for tea on Thursday night which was fun because we finished one of our stamp cards and we actually felt that it was worth it to get the bowl of ice cream hearts since Andre was with us. I worked on econ homework and Rebecca was typing, I think. And Andre was the obligatory unproductive one because he was basically done with the semester, so he was playing video games. 

Then I already talked about my Friday adventures. 

*sigh* I can't wait for this week to be over so I can have Lounge Days. And Reading Days. I really miss reading. I plan to do that a lot this winter break.

Okay, I think that's enough for now, I have to go and grab take-out from the dining hall. Go and watch Kendall's two videos about his book and skating and then watch mine about our "hike." Which I will upload right after I post this.

Risks: 35 (Yeah, I'm gonna count the hike...just because we could have died but we didn't...)
Current food obsessions/cravings: food in general because it's dinner time...
Playlists on Repeat: Split! (Revised)
Books Read Since Graduation: 6

The Beginning of the End?

Hey guys!!!

Yup, we're nearing the end! End of what, you ask? Whale, it depends on how you look at it. The end of the quarter. The end of the year. THE END OF THE WORLD!?!??!! Not really though...

Ha ha so yeah, last week was my last week of classes. I had my first college final EVER yesterday, which was alright. It was for math. It was three hours long, but I finished in an hour and a half. He he he, silly math...

Now, I have a final portfolio due for English on Wednesday and a Chem final on Thursday. Then I go home on Saturday, W000T!!! Except there's more than that. The Project for Awesome is in almost a week. Jen and I are getting our ideas down, but this week I have to work on it and film it and edit it. It'll be super worth it though, I'm actually really excited. 

I uploaded two vlogs this week, which you should check out. One was an update on NaNo and the other was a fun little in the moment type vlog. It was super different than anything I've done, so that was exciting. 

Yeah, well, I got some stuff to get done. But this was fun. We should do it again sometime!

Books Read: 15 
Free Meals: 50
Why This Week Was Awesome: Last Week of My First Quarter of College!!!
Song Stuck in My Head: "Maybe This Christmas" by Shane Dawson

Sunday, December 2, 2012

Me in A Song?

Hi everyone!

Like Kendall, I won't go too much into NaNoWriMo and Vlogvember here in this blog post just because our last vlogs were both over ten minutes long! Both are done! I think, as a team, we both did pretty well. And we both had fun, that's what counts.

Also like Kendall, I only have one more week of classes left. So after this week, we have finals week. I only have two actual sit-down-and-take-a-test-for-two-hours finals because for my other classes, I have final papers to submit well before finals week. Yep, all three are due this week (one tomorrow, one of Thursday, and the other on Saturday). And then for my Linguistics class, I have to pass seven quizzes and write two journal entries by Thursday. Yikes!

In response to Kendall's comment about Rom Coms: Come on man. I love rom coms as much as you do, but this is crunch time. Get it together man! But you're not the only one. Anyssay and her roommate, Marina, have been having weekly Movie Nights in their room every Thursday and they've been watching rom coms too! 

Hahaha, although I shouldn't be one to talk. I actually watched "How To Train Your Dragon" for the first time this weekend and it was so cute! Also, I started "The Holiday" but did not finish. And then there was the Gilmore Girls half-marathon while I was working on my American Studies paper......WHAT IS WRONG WITH US INTERROBANG.

So please forgive us that we have skimpy posts. We clearly are cracking so much under pressure that we are turning to rom coms, mindless TV, and animated motion pictures. 

Okay bye for now!

Risks: 34 
Current food obsessions/cravings: none...I think I'm losing my love for food...
Playlists on Repeat: Split, Starred, Serendipity
Books Read Since Graduation: 6

Did Somebody Say Christmas?

Hey guys!

So this week was really exciting for a lot of reasons. Two of those being NaNoWriMo ending and Vlogvember ending. However, I already talked about both of those two things in my last vlog, so I won't talk about them again. If you want to hear about it though, just google "Jendall Vlogs" or something on YouTube. I'm sure there's a link somewhere around there. 

So, someone needs to stop letting me watch Rom Coms. Like, this is getting ridikidonk. Two night ago, I watched "No Strings Attached". And then last night I watched "Friends with Benefits." I mean, they both had feels and such, what you would expect from a Rom Com? But for so many reasons I thought the latter was better. I always appreciate witty dialogue. It's da best. 

In other news, I only have one more week of classes left. After that is finals week. I'm super excited about being done, but I'm trying not to think about it too much because I have a decent amount of things to do in the next two weeks. 

Oh, something cool that happened last night was that my Aunt took me to this cool thing in Bellevue. It was kind of like a Christmas parade/festival thing. They had drummers and music and lights and cool stuff. It was packed and crazy. The cool thing about it, though, was that they had SNOW!!!!! Well, fake snow. It was like this foam bubbles thing that they were shooting down onto the street. But still, it was really cool and exciting. 

Okay, enough for this week. I have some stuff to get done tonight. Shooooottttss!

Books Read: 15 
Free Meals: 50
Why This Week Was Awesome: NOVEL!!!!
Song Stuck in My Head: Christmas

Sunday, November 25, 2012

Unbearably Exciting Moments of Hand-Holding


Hey guys!!!!!!

Guess what. Guess. Guess what. Did you guess it? What I did for Thanksgiving. You guessed it didn't you.... THAT'S OKAY 'CAUSE I WENT HOME!!!!!!

Yup, I got up at 4 in the morning on Wednesday and went to the airport to fly all the way home for Thanksgiving and it was so worth it. I did awesome things like go to school and see amazing speeches and eat forbidden snacks and just experience overall amazingness. 

Then, on Thursday, there was fun turkey eating, home being adventures. All around good times. On Friday, I basically just hung out at home and then on Saturday I hung out with Jen.

It was a really weird experience going home and being back after two months gone. It was interesting to be able to compare what my life was like before. I mean, in the sense that there were so many things that I was doing before I got here that I think that I really want to get back to doing. I've definitely lost a lot of the cool things that I used to do, so my new goal is to get back to how the things were before. 

Anyway, on Saturday, our adventure was cool. It involved spontaneity, which then led to this. 

So yeah, that all happened. I have two more legit weeks of school left, then a finals week. So close. And as excited as I was to go home, I don't want school to be a place that I dread to be. I want to make the most of my time here, so that's what I'm gonna try to do. 

Oh yeah, and guess who read three more books?!?! THIS GUY!!!! That's more than I read in the past, like, 4 months. I read Son of Neptune, Mark of Athena, and Nick and Norah's Infinite Playlist. They were all good. That's all I'm gonna say because I'm tired and I still have some work to do tonight. Okay, whale, I'm off. This week was cool. Only a few more days of NaNo left and I'm GOING TO FINISH IT!!!!! Kay, bye guys!

Books Read: 15 (WHAT WHAT!?!?!??!)
Free Meals: 49 (Thanks bah!)
Why This Week Was Awesome: HoooooooMMMMMeeeeeee!!!!!
Song Stuck in My Head: "I Will Wait" by Mumford and Sons


Hello! I hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving and a nice little break from school! This long weekend was indeed filled with good food, great people, and lots of reminders to be thankful for what I have. Yep!

So, let me see if I can remember what I actually did this week...joking! Okay, because it was a short week, there really weren't any "highlights" in my classes besides the fact that I TOTES ACED MY ECON MIDTERM #2 WHOOO!!!! *happy dance left and right with me guys* Sorry, I have to celebrate because you guys have no idea how much I've been struggling with myself and the content for the past several weeks. I did not do so well on Midterm #1, but this is definitely not only going to get me on track for the rest of the semester but it's also a great confidence booster! I finally did it so hah! Take that you Econ Deities! Seeing the score on my EconPortal account was really great because now I have proof to myself, after weeks of doubt and frustration, that I can really do this. Whew! I'm still nervous for the final exam the week after next but at least I know that it is not at all impossible to do well! 

In addition, Rebecca and I, I think, are going to start this new thing together where we go to The Curb on Tuesdays after work. Oh, The Curb. Thank you for providing us with reasons to be glad to be in school on this beautiful island. That's all I'm gonna say for now.

Moving on to Thanksgiving, this was the first year that my mom let Shayne, Josh, and I have free reign on the food. So the three of us planned the lunch menu which was fun but it was kind of hectic pre-meal. Our family eats non-traditional Thanksgiving lunches without turkey. If there is turkey, it's defs not the start of the meal. You're welcome, turkeys. (What? We're Filipinos, we don't really eat turkey...they used to walk around freely in my backyard and I used to be scared of them...). So I went grocery shopping with my dad on Wednesday afternoon/night to get everything that we needed. Because this Friday also just happened to be what would have been my grandmother's 89th birthday, we decided to celebrate her 40 Days, her birthday, and Thanksgiving all at once, together as a family with aunts and uncles and our one other cousin on the island. It was nice remembering her on the same day that we give thanks for the lives we lead now because none of us would be here without her. So, yes, good thoughts, good people. And don't forget the amazing (if I do say so myself) food! We didn't want to go with a specific cuisine so we just did everything. Shayne made baked penne with roasted vegetables, sweet fire chicken, and shrimp scampi with asparagus. Josh baked some yummy mushrooms au gratin and I made herb roasted potatoes and onions and jambalaya. Ok, not to brag or anything (which means that I am bragging right now) but that jambalaya was no-words delicious. Just saying haha! And then Shirley Temples all around. I think I'm getting into the whole mocktail (virgin cocktails) thing, for some reason. I don't really know why. But I'm definitely planning on doing one or two (or three??) of them for our family Christmas meals next month. Maybe margaritas. Or mojitos. Mai tais and lava flows anyone? So yes, food was great!

Black Friday was...Black Friday. Usually, I feel bad about spending money on clothes. If it's food, like when I go grocery shopping or when I eat out, I have no problem paying whatever it costs, however expensive it may be. But clothes? Come on, $95 for jeans? $80 for a top? $70 for shoes? Yeah, call me cheap or something, but it just doesn't make sense in my head to fork over that much money for a piece of clothing (but maybe it doesn't make sense either that I don't have a problem spending that much money on food...). BUT. I don't know what came over me. I spent way too much money on just clothes this Friday. For the record, however, Barnes and Noble was the first store that I hit so you can’t really say that I was a complete materialistic teenage girl on Friday. So no more splurges for me until the end of freshman year. I can spend, but no more splurges, Jen!

And then Saturday was Kendall Day! It was a good day because we kind of just took it as it came along and drove to places semi-spontaneously. Although we did have a hard time coming up with places and things to do. Anyway, I will let Kendall talk about that because I’m sure he’ll blog about his Home Adventures as a whole!

This weekend was fun and I hope that this week will be even more fun, especially because it’s the last stretch for NaNo. I’m really going to try for about 5,000 words per day in the next five days. Which is why I’m working on a paper that is due on Wednesday right now (I already finished the paper due on Tuesday) so that I can just focus on noveling the whole week. And Kendall’s close to actually finishing a full-fledged novel guys! So yes, wish us luck and send us some positive vibes por favs.

And that’s about it for now. I have to go back to my Zotero (which, I now believe, should be a staple in every student’s laptop because it makes research so much easier and it AUTOMATICALLY creates your citations and bibliography/works cited for you as you write your paper!) so that I can finish the first two pages of one of my final papers by tonight!

Bye guys! Until next time? Yep, we’ll be here, and you guys can always count on that.

Risks: 34 (Mmyeah, I think I'd count Kendall Day as a risk.)
Current food obsessions/cravings: NO MORE FOOD
Playlists on Repeat: Split
Books Read Since Graduation: 6

Sunday, November 18, 2012

Must Sleep Now

I apologize for the quick and un-formatted blog but I cannot keep my eyes open a minute longer. Blame Rigoberta Menchu. She is amazing and inspiring and a Novel Laureate, I know, and I would definitely be interested in reading her stories about her life in Guatemala in its entirety. But alas, that day is not today. The sleep-deprived and beaten college student in me would very much like to sleep now please and thank you.

I will be back to revise and add on to this post tomorrow when I am wide awake. I have much to share! For now, consider me BEWTYful. Good night awesome people.

11/19 2:58pm ADD-ON!

Hey guys. Okay, I still feel tired. I don't know why but I'm hoping "One Night" can wake me up (which it usually's about the only song that works now guys...). Okay, I need to make this fast because I have to go and meet Rebecca in the arch building so we can go to University Square to run errands. 

This weekend was extremely fun because I spent most of it at Camp Erdman in Waialua. It was for the Relay for Life retreat and not only was it a great experience but it was also a good way to kick-off our committee's work. We did an Amazing Race (which was a clue-scavenger-type thing around camp) and we also did the Odyssey Ropes Challenge. It was a bit like the Timberline ropes only way more intense. We were about 35-40 feet up in the air and when we weren't standing on planks or logs, we were in the ropes. I'm counting the entire thing as a risk guys so I can finally add one more! Also, zip-lining down. Guys. Zip-lining all the way down. We also had a dance and games and we watched Magic Mike. The point was to do a mini-Relay for Life event where everyone is supposed to stay up all night. But no one made it. I conked out after the movie at around 2:30ish. We didn't get back until almost 1pm on Sunday afternoon.

Relay for Life is a fundraising event that takes place in April for the American Cancer Society. It's basically an all-nighter out in the track and field where registered teams have to walk around the track all night (members take turns and switch off) in order to show their support and raise money for cancer. At the same time, there will be dancing, games, prizes, food, and more fun stuff so that NO ONE SLEEPS AT ALL. There will also be special ceremonies to celebrate and honor not only those who have passed but also those who have survived and those who are still fighting. Anyway, I joined the Relay for Life committee which is the committee that plans and puts on the entire thing. And I'm excited! I'm on the publicity committee. Like I said, EXCITED! (Kendall, from what I heard, UW is a HUGE school for Relay. Like, it's a big deal. Like, people apply and choose to go to UW just because they wanna be part of their Relay for Life committee! You should form or join a team and do it!)

Okay, I gotta go get ready to meet Rebecca over at Upper Campus. 

Bye guys!

Risks: 33 (BOOMSHAKALAKA! That was my team's cheer throughout the ropes course...)
Hugs: 0
Current food obsessions/cravings: full...
Playlists on Repeat: One Night on endless loop
Books Read Since Graduation: 6

Heart and Soul

Hey guys!

So this week was fun, right? Whale, after classes on Thursday, I got on a bus that went down to Jaime's school to go see the Breaking Dawn premiere. And, I mean, it was classic Twilight material, you know? Not good, but a fun mindless read/watch. However (oh and spoiler alert...) there is a part in which they COMPLETELY changed the movie from the book. Now, I'm not one to get upset about differences between books and movies, but this was completely cray cray. I have to say that this was probably one of the greatest mindblowing situations I've had in a while. Good job Twilight moviemakers. But at the same time, I hate you.

Then yesterday, I took an impromptu trip to my aunt's house. I got a hair cut and ate food. Good times all around. Now it's Sunday. I have a math midterm on Tuesday and a 5-page paper due on Wednesday. I'm not worried though. I'm just way too excited that I can't even help it. I won't say why I'm excited, that's a part of the surprise. But just know that I am. Okay, whale, I'm gonna go read now. Until later? 


Books Read: 12
Free Meals: 48
Why This Week Was Awesome: Out and aboutness
Song Stuck in My Head: "The A Team" by Ed Sheeran

Monday, November 12, 2012


Fun Fact: If you Google "so much shame in my soul," The Chewy and Fruity List is one of the top results. Google, you're definitely doing it right...especially because I now have to add to the ever-increasing level of shame that we, apparently, cannot help but harbor within the confines of this blog! 

Guys, I missed yet another blogging day of BEWTY, and I apologize. Excuse me while I go and momentarily turn into a giant squid of anger...

You guys probably know this by now, but let me say it anyway: our irresponsible lack of blogs on some Sunday nights do not, in any way, reflect our indifference toward you. Because there is no indifference, none whatsoever! In fact, we have the opposite of indifference! We have.....difference? Okay, no, basically, what I mean is we CARE! We do!

And nothing shows you guys that we care than a picture of cute kitties!

Okay, all fluffy and adorable mammals aside, I really do apologize for failing to blog yesterday for the week. I remember telling myself I had to do it on my phone (because I was  without Wi-Fi this weekend at Kunia), but I got caught up in other stuff, those "other stuff" being 1) writing a novel, and 2) the grilling madness.

Whenever we go home-home for the weekend, all the way on the other side of the island, my dad gives Josh free reign on the grill. The last time, we had a seafood thing going because we made shrimp and squid kebabs. This time it was pork. And lots of it. And, also, Josh got this Italian herbs and spices rub that was really good. Yeah, he also gets to spearhead the prepping of the chosen protein. He's pretty good at it, really.

Besides being able to enjoy Josh's amazing grilling, going home-home for the weekend is also good because I get to sleep without the crazy noise outside that characterizes city life--which was great because of my sickness! Yes, I was sick for most of the week. I had felt it coming last weekend but waved it off, thinking that I would get over it in a day or two. NOPE. It got worse and I was forced to take a day off on Thursday so that I can sleep. But that ended up being a bit useless because I had to stay up that night, studying for my second econ midterm of the semester that following Friday. But after that was over and done with, I could finally sleep as much as I want. That's precisely what I did this weekend. 

I actually functioned like a normal person for once: work on novel during the day, and sleep at night. WHAT IS THIS LIFE?

Risks: 32 
Hugs: 0
Current food obsessions/cravings: agua por favor
Playlists on Repeat: Split/Starred
Books Read Since Graduation: 6

Sunday, November 11, 2012


Hey guys!

So, this week was cool. Right? Was it.... Umm, okay, well, on Friday, Jaime came to visit. Actually, she's still here. We don't have school tomorrow that's why. Yesterday, we saw "Wreck it Ralph" and it was really good.

Also, on Friday, I FINALLY finished "The Casual Vacancy." It was really really good and I enjoyed it a lot. It was sad though and I wanted to throw something at J.K. Rowling. FEELS.

Okay, also, I've been a little bleh on the writing recently, but I'm not too worried, I think that I'll be able to manage.

Gavin's mom came in to visit today also. That was a fun time. Yup.

Okay, sorry for the skimps. I need to go eat a hot pocket. 

Books Read: 12 (FINALLY!!!)
Free Meals: 48
Why This Week Was Awesome: Finished book!!!
Song Stuck in My Head: "I Knew You Were Trouble" by Taylor Swift

Sunday, November 4, 2012

We Started at Zero

Hello everyone! I am typing this from my phone so my format may be messed up and/or not my usual purple Georgia font.

This week was exciting because it was filled with writing and beautiful days and pumpkin carving fun and tea and awkwardness and excitement!

On Halloween, I went and pretended to be an architecture student and had some pumpkin fun. I carved my very first pumpkin and, being the nerdfighter that I am through and through, I carved the iconic 'Okay' cloud design from TFiOS. I was so glad that I actually finished. REBECCA MADE AN ANGLERFISH! She is defs awesome.

November is here! NaNo has started! I am up to over 8,000 words so far so I'm just a bit behind but I'm not worried. I have Election Day, a paper and a midterm all this week so I will do my best. No worries guys. Along with NaNo, we are also vlogging on weekdays this month, really informal videos from yours truly and Kendall!

Yesterday, I volunteered at a robotics tournament. I felt bad that I was not able to go to the one hosted by my old middle school due to debate judging, but I made it up to my past coach and friend, Kashi, by being the almighty scorekeeper yesterday haha. I also manned the timer for the robot matches, the rockin' music, and the overall scoreboard that was visible to all the teams. That was fun.

Saturday was also full of Lizzie Bennet Diaries. I can't wait for Monday's video. Gah FEELS. Also, Slender and Zombie Frontier. And writing until 3am for NaNo haha!

Today, I had lunch with Yun Ji and Kirsten because Kirsten came home to surprise her boyfriend and her sister for the weekend. It was so nice to see her again. Kirsten, I'm so glad to hear that you are loving Pomona! I can't wait to see you again in December, love!

Okay, I will keep this short.

Also, I will add the bottom stuffs later when I am on an actual laptop.

Bye for now everyone!

Risks: 32 
Hugs: 0
Current food obsessions/cravings: none (oddly, I haven't been eating a lot lately just because I feel full most of the time)
Playlists on Repeat: Split/Starred
Books Read Since Graduation: 6


Hey guys!

This week hasn't actually been that eventful. Other than a Halloween spent in the dorms, the beginning of NaNoWriMo, and our first vlogging adventure, not much has been going on.

Yesterday, Gavin and I took a short walk to the nearest mall because I needed to get a new phone case. While we were there, I also bought my first knife, which is really exciting, a pomegranate, and a mixing bowl. We also got chocolate and strawberries. So when we got back to my dorm (and after Gavin sharpened my knife) we melted the chocolate with Gavin's croc pot, dipped the strawberries in, and let them harden in my fridge. 

Not gonna lie right now, they are delicious. 

Yup, now, I'm off to work on homework, write a little bit, eat a lot a bit. 

Kay, shoots guys!

Books Read: 11
Free Meals: 47 (The lack of free meals in college is so depressing) 
Why This Week Was Awesome: New Stuff 
Song Stuck in My Head: 

Sunday, October 28, 2012

I Don't Even Know Anymore

Helly everyone!

This week was a mixed bag. But, then again, so is every week, really. There are always high points and low points. I guess this is what makes life real without the shield and anchor that was 'Iolani.

Highlights of the week include........see, I'm grasping the air just trying to figure out what exactly were the highlights of the week...hmm. Okay. Tuesday, we went on a Long's adventure that wasn't really an adventure. More of a party. Ping, Maria, four of Rebecca's architecture friends, Rebecca, and I all trekked down there to get some stuff. I bought Kit Kats for the office. Because it's October, we put out a pumpkin container on our office's counter where people come up for questions and help. We filled it with candies and chocolate but also kept several containers of goodies for ourselves inside. Everyone in the entire office gobbles up "dem Kit Kats" in no time so I figured, since we're running low, I'd pick up more. 

This week, I also signed up for Relay for Life, a cancer-fighting committee that plans this huge fundraising event that will take place in April. I'm excited!

On Friday night, I went to Eat the Street! We did it as a RAPS social so I went with other Regents and Presidentials (well, just one Presidential). The theme this month was "Dia (con tilde!) de los Muertos" so they had a bunch of Latin food. Oddly enough, Xtreme Tacos wasn't there! There were, however, a whole lot of baja-Mexican food trucks that I had never seen there before so that was good. No crepe booths, sadly, but there was a positively sinful dessert booth where they had marshmallows and truffles and chocolate mochi! I had to buy one; it was called a Chubby Fudgy Bowl. It was basically layers of chocolate mochi squares and whipped cream, topped with more whipped cream and strawberries. YUM. There were lots of people in costume (a couple of the Regents actually also came in costume), but mostly they had Day of the Dead make-up on. The hosts were having a contest for whoever showed up with the best skeleton-y make-up. Daisy and I were waiting for our carne asada fries at the Ono Grindz booth when I turned my head and I FOUND WALDO! I wanted to go and take a picture with him so I told Daisy I'd be back. I started walking towards him but I realized that he was with a girl and they were laughing and talking and I was like, "Shoot. No, Waldo's on a date. I can't go up to him and ask for a picture with him when he's on a date!" So I turned around. Gah, I so regret that! I'm pretty sure he would not have minded, especially if he chose to go in public wearing a Waldo costume. When I told a couple of the Regents what happened after, we looked around for him a bit to no avail. Ah next time, Waldo, I WILL get a picture with you. Anyway, on to the more important stuff at the Street: the FOOD! Daisy and I shared everything so that we could get our money's worth. The best bite we got was these skewers of mushroom and garlic chicken wrapped in bacon--really good! And it was also really cheap because both skewers, which were both pretty big, were only $3!

My entire Saturday was basically spent in Kahuku. Originally, I was supposed to go and help out at a robotics tournament at my old middle school but 'Iolani needed judges over in the north shore so I chose to go there instead (I'll still be helping out in a robotics tournament this weekend though). I had to get up early for rides at 6ish and I didn't get back home in town until around almost 7ish at night so it really was an all-day affair! It was good though. I judged three rounds of JV Policy which, considering that this was the very first debate tournament of the season, was pretty painful in a baby-freshmen-at-their-first-ever-tournament-making-only-three-minute-speeches kind of bad. For many other judges, they would have rather died than judge three rounds of JV early in the season but I really appreciated that the judge coordinators gave me these assignments. I remember what my very first debate tournament was like and how terrible my speeches were during those rounds. And I remember how much time I spent reading all of my judges' comments on the debate ballots after every tournament, analyzing and taking note of every criticism and suggestion. So I made sure to FILL UP DEM BALLOTS because I figured, hey, I know what it's like up there and I know that these kids need all of the help they can get before the next tournament. I was basically writing in my very best and neatest 0.25-inch (not joking) high font, single spaced, from the very top to the very bottom of the page, writing sideways on the margins and around the boxes when I ran out of space (which I did...for all three rounds). After each round, when I turned in my ballots, the coordinators would sigh and be like, "You can ALWAYS tell who's n ex-debater here..." Hey, I know what they wanna hear and know so that's what I give them. Besides judging, I also got to know the new members of the team. Most of the kids who came out to compete were freshmen and Josh had told me before that they were "pocket-sized" (really, he used those words) but I didn't understand what he meant until Saturday. They are the cutest and brightest little creatures ever and arrrggghh, I don't understand how no one has smothered them all to death with crazy love already! I have so much confidence in them after just talking to them on Saturday. We waited for an unusually long time for a debate tournament because the tabulations took extra long this time around. And at the very moment that we all decided to go out because Ayami and I wanted to teach the others Wah-Wah-Shwing, the awards start so we didn't get to play. We did, however, play that game where everyone looks down and at the count of three looks up to look at someone in the circle and if they're looking at each other, they're both out. That was fun, even if it was short. Everyone did really well but we didn't take any of the sweepstakes trophies. Shucks! But this can also be good because it's still early in the season and winning a trophy would have put the target on 'Iolani's back. Next time!

After that was the long journey home. We got caught in the post-surf meet traffic but that wasn't so bad. The waves looked so scary yet powerful at the same time. Now, by this time, I had a pretty terrible headache and I felt really sick. By the time Ayami and her mom dropped me off, I was really ready for bed. But not after I ended up throwing up everything I ate for the day in the bathroom right when I got home. So after I cleaned up, I went straight to sleep with only a couple of minutes of dinner when my dad got home. After that, it was just me and my pillow and my blanket, all through the tsunami warning happenings and such all the way until 9 am this morning. Mhhhmm, sleep.

The thing is this wasn't the first time. I don't remember if I told you guys on here but this also happened a couple of weeks ago. I came home with a terrible headache, threw up in the bathroom, and basically went to sleep it all of for the whole night and until late in the morning. The first time, I came home from canvassing which involved lots of walking from house to house in the hot sun for hours. This time, I came home from judging at a tournament. Amazing. Normal teens come home trashed after a rave. I come home trashed after trying to make a difference.

I think it's because I'm just not used to the long and high-energy days anymore. They just tire me out now. Which is really sad because I remember that all I really needed after a tournament was a good night's sleep. I mean, think of IDT season or States season! Those were basically no-sleep weekends! I don't think I'd be able to handle those anymore. Which is really sad, and they make me miss high school more, oddly. 

Okay, I think that's enough for today. I'm really ready for bed but I think I'll go and get some more reading done.

NaNoWriMo starts on Thursday! Kendall and I will be participating and aiming for Winner Status, of course. We are also doing something new this year: Vlogging! We'll be posting short and really informal videos with sanity assessments and updates on how our novels are going throughout the novel. Get excited guys. Here is the link to our shared channel on YouTube:

Okay, that's it for now. I'm gonna go. Have a happy Halloween everyone!

Risks: 32 
Hugs: 2
Current food obsessions/cravings: water
Playlists on Repeat: Split
Books Read Since Graduation: 6