Monday, November 12, 2012


Fun Fact: If you Google "so much shame in my soul," The Chewy and Fruity List is one of the top results. Google, you're definitely doing it right...especially because I now have to add to the ever-increasing level of shame that we, apparently, cannot help but harbor within the confines of this blog! 

Guys, I missed yet another blogging day of BEWTY, and I apologize. Excuse me while I go and momentarily turn into a giant squid of anger...

You guys probably know this by now, but let me say it anyway: our irresponsible lack of blogs on some Sunday nights do not, in any way, reflect our indifference toward you. Because there is no indifference, none whatsoever! In fact, we have the opposite of indifference! We have.....difference? Okay, no, basically, what I mean is we CARE! We do!

And nothing shows you guys that we care than a picture of cute kitties!

Okay, all fluffy and adorable mammals aside, I really do apologize for failing to blog yesterday for the week. I remember telling myself I had to do it on my phone (because I was  without Wi-Fi this weekend at Kunia), but I got caught up in other stuff, those "other stuff" being 1) writing a novel, and 2) the grilling madness.

Whenever we go home-home for the weekend, all the way on the other side of the island, my dad gives Josh free reign on the grill. The last time, we had a seafood thing going because we made shrimp and squid kebabs. This time it was pork. And lots of it. And, also, Josh got this Italian herbs and spices rub that was really good. Yeah, he also gets to spearhead the prepping of the chosen protein. He's pretty good at it, really.

Besides being able to enjoy Josh's amazing grilling, going home-home for the weekend is also good because I get to sleep without the crazy noise outside that characterizes city life--which was great because of my sickness! Yes, I was sick for most of the week. I had felt it coming last weekend but waved it off, thinking that I would get over it in a day or two. NOPE. It got worse and I was forced to take a day off on Thursday so that I can sleep. But that ended up being a bit useless because I had to stay up that night, studying for my second econ midterm of the semester that following Friday. But after that was over and done with, I could finally sleep as much as I want. That's precisely what I did this weekend. 

I actually functioned like a normal person for once: work on novel during the day, and sleep at night. WHAT IS THIS LIFE?

Risks: 32 
Hugs: 0
Current food obsessions/cravings: agua por favor
Playlists on Repeat: Split/Starred
Books Read Since Graduation: 6


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