Sunday, November 25, 2012

Unbearably Exciting Moments of Hand-Holding


Hey guys!!!!!!

Guess what. Guess. Guess what. Did you guess it? What I did for Thanksgiving. You guessed it didn't you.... THAT'S OKAY 'CAUSE I WENT HOME!!!!!!

Yup, I got up at 4 in the morning on Wednesday and went to the airport to fly all the way home for Thanksgiving and it was so worth it. I did awesome things like go to school and see amazing speeches and eat forbidden snacks and just experience overall amazingness. 

Then, on Thursday, there was fun turkey eating, home being adventures. All around good times. On Friday, I basically just hung out at home and then on Saturday I hung out with Jen.

It was a really weird experience going home and being back after two months gone. It was interesting to be able to compare what my life was like before. I mean, in the sense that there were so many things that I was doing before I got here that I think that I really want to get back to doing. I've definitely lost a lot of the cool things that I used to do, so my new goal is to get back to how the things were before. 

Anyway, on Saturday, our adventure was cool. It involved spontaneity, which then led to this. 

So yeah, that all happened. I have two more legit weeks of school left, then a finals week. So close. And as excited as I was to go home, I don't want school to be a place that I dread to be. I want to make the most of my time here, so that's what I'm gonna try to do. 

Oh yeah, and guess who read three more books?!?! THIS GUY!!!! That's more than I read in the past, like, 4 months. I read Son of Neptune, Mark of Athena, and Nick and Norah's Infinite Playlist. They were all good. That's all I'm gonna say because I'm tired and I still have some work to do tonight. Okay, whale, I'm off. This week was cool. Only a few more days of NaNo left and I'm GOING TO FINISH IT!!!!! Kay, bye guys!

Books Read: 15 (WHAT WHAT!?!?!??!)
Free Meals: 49 (Thanks bah!)
Why This Week Was Awesome: HoooooooMMMMMeeeeeee!!!!!
Song Stuck in My Head: "I Will Wait" by Mumford and Sons


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