Sunday, December 2, 2012

Did Somebody Say Christmas?

Hey guys!

So this week was really exciting for a lot of reasons. Two of those being NaNoWriMo ending and Vlogvember ending. However, I already talked about both of those two things in my last vlog, so I won't talk about them again. If you want to hear about it though, just google "Jendall Vlogs" or something on YouTube. I'm sure there's a link somewhere around there. 

So, someone needs to stop letting me watch Rom Coms. Like, this is getting ridikidonk. Two night ago, I watched "No Strings Attached". And then last night I watched "Friends with Benefits." I mean, they both had feels and such, what you would expect from a Rom Com? But for so many reasons I thought the latter was better. I always appreciate witty dialogue. It's da best. 

In other news, I only have one more week of classes left. After that is finals week. I'm super excited about being done, but I'm trying not to think about it too much because I have a decent amount of things to do in the next two weeks. 

Oh, something cool that happened last night was that my Aunt took me to this cool thing in Bellevue. It was kind of like a Christmas parade/festival thing. They had drummers and music and lights and cool stuff. It was packed and crazy. The cool thing about it, though, was that they had SNOW!!!!! Well, fake snow. It was like this foam bubbles thing that they were shooting down onto the street. But still, it was really cool and exciting. 

Okay, enough for this week. I have some stuff to get done tonight. Shooooottttss!

Books Read: 15 
Free Meals: 50
Why This Week Was Awesome: NOVEL!!!!
Song Stuck in My Head: Christmas


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