Sunday, December 16, 2012

I Really Must Go

Hey guys!!!

So much stuff!!!!

First, this week consisted of my last final. That wasn't bad. The main time consumer was the Project for Awesome video that we have been working on! It's done!!! It's ready to go up, we just have to wait till tomorrow for the project to start! Make sure to go to to see it!

So that was the bulk of this week. There was basically a lot of waiting to come home. Which I did yesterday!!! The first thing that I did was go and see The Hobbit!!!! It was really really good and I'm happy about it!

Oh, and I got my grades. An A for Math, a high B for Chem, and a C for English. I know, I know, a C... But I'm actually kind of happy about that. It's high enough to fulfill the requirement that I need, and I was really worried that I wouldn't get high enough. Now I'm done with English forever!!!

Then today, I basically hung out with my family, which was a good time. We just got done watching Elf, one of my all time favorite Christmas movies. I've also been reading Let it Snow for the third time. I'm done with the second story, I was reading it on the plane. It's always a fun time reading that book. 

Oh god, this commercial is using comic sans. It's gross. Sorry, off track. 

So then, this week is gonna be literally the best thing in the world. I'm spending most of the week at school, which will be awesome. Tomorrow, I'm going to dinner with some friends, some of which who I haven't seen in forever. Then, this Friday is a wrestling tournament, which I'm so excited about. Then on Saturday, our Christmas party. This Christmas break is going to be awesome.

Okay, I should be off to bed seeing as I need to wake up early tomorrow, just like old times. Ahhh, so excited. Kay, bye guys!

Books Read: 16!!!
Free Meals: 50
Why This Week Was Awesome: HOME!!!
Song Stuck in My Head: "Baby It's Cold Outside"


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