Sunday, December 30, 2012

Extraordinary Chickens

Hey guys!!!

Okay, more cray-ness in the K-Town. This week was kind of non-stop for me. I spent Christmas Eve and Christmas at home and it was all a good time and such. The day after we went to go see the city lights and then the day after there was hiking and alumni socializing. After that was two days of wrestling and another Christmas party. 

I'm going back in a week and while it kind of feels like I haven't even left, it also feels like I have barely even been here. I've been nonstop ever since I got home and I think it's going to be like that until I leave. It kind of sucks that I have to leave in a week, but what I keep telling myself is something inspired by the awesome Amy Krouse Rosenthal: Make. The. Most. Of. Your. Time. Here. And that's what I'm trying to do. 

There is a part of me that is excited to go back to school, but I really want to be able to enjoy the rest of my time here first. Anyway, yeah, that's been my life. I've been kind of sups sleep deprived (which is really weird after a ridiculous amount of sleep in college) so I'm gonna get some sleep. 

Oh yeah, and freaking 2012 ends tomorrow?!?!? WHAT!?!??! Ha ha I honestly don't even have the time to think back and reflect about it. Okay, I promise that after I get off the plane next Sunday, I'll tell you guys all about my 2012 and highlights and all that good stuff and such. Until then, see you in 2013???

Books Read: 17 
Free Meals: 58
Why This Week Was Awesome: So Much Da Cray
Song Stuck in My Head: "Take a Walk" by Passion Pit


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