Sunday, December 16, 2012

How Great is Life?

Hi everyone! Before I forget, remember to go on YouTube tomorrow for Project 4 Awesome! Watch, like, comment and share tons of videos about various charities and causes around the world. Help us decrease worldsuck! Kendall and I made a video about an organization called "Littlethings" so make sure that you guys go check that out. We filmed it separately and then Kendall worked some iMovie Magic to make it amazing! Super excited!

Winter break has officially started as of yesterday, and I spent the day judging a speech and debate tournament at Punahou. To end this semester, I had planned to write about something meaningful and lengthy but I am still laptop-less. Earlier this week, my little Trippy gave me the Blue Screen of Death. *sigh* I am just glad that it happened AFTER all of my final papers were due. Anyway, yes, I don't have a laptop at the moment so I am doing this from my phone (sorry about the formatting). But I will be back tomorrow to write about my planned topic. For now, I am going to take a shower and then read a little bit (finally!) and then sleep. I just got back from a Christmas party and am quite tired. One thing that I should mention now about that though: We did Secret Santa Grab Bag Gift Thing and the one I picked was A COFFEE MAKER. And then Caitlyn stole it. That is my life. Basically. Story of my life right there. But it was all right, she is such a sweetheart so I couldn't really be mad. It was fun because there were really good gag gifts. Bryson got a Nickelback CD (bahahahahahaha), Alicia got a whole cantaloupe, and Aaron got a Barbie DVD and a set of "manly" fragrances called "Six-Pack Abs" and something like "You Know You Want Me" or whatever. Oh and the third one was called "Black." Yep.

Ok enough for now. I am in need of hot water and reading time. Be back tomorrow essay. Basically. Yeah it's going to be one of those. It's the end of the semester. So I have feels.

I will also dole out my bottom stuffs tomorrow. (Which reminds me, I should change them for the new year...ideas welcome.)

---Wednesday, December 19, 2012, 4:38pm, Special Programs Office: ADD-ON!!!---

Hey guys, I'm sorry for not updating on Monday, like I said I would. Anyway, the main topic that I wanted to talk about was the end of the semester. Yes, the first semester of college is OFFICIALLY OVER! I can't believe that it is. In some ways, it was really fast, but in some ways it was really slow. In terms of classes and stuff, the semester was fast. In terms of missing friends in the mainland, it went by slowly. 

One of the things that made it worthwhile though were the friends I made over the first semester. I am speaking, in particular, about two friends I made this semester: Andre and Scott. They are about as different as two people can be, and I befriended them in different ways, but both have made my time in college this first semester so much better than I expected. 

Andre is loud and funny high maintenance. Really. He cares about his hair and skin more than I do about my own! But despite the fact that he is like this, I have never felt so comfortable around anyone than I do with Andre. Despite the fact that he puts so much stock on his appearance, I don't feel insecure at all around him. I can't explain why (because I don't know why) but it's like that, even if we have only hung out a few times and we didn't become good friends until late into the semester. All of my insecurities about myself, any doubts that I have about my looks or whatever, they all disappear. I can't explain it at all because it would make sense for me to feel incredibly insecure about myself if I hung out with someone who cares so much about how they looked, right? BUT I DON'T. I mean, I have told him once before to sniff my hair. Like. What even. What even man.

Scott is quiet(ly mean haha!), thoughtful, and always positive. I cannot tell you how many times he has put a smile on my face. He is naturally a zapper who always thinks of others and is always ready to help. From the surprise cups of Starbucks caramel macchiatos, to the "Happy Friday" computer signs, to being an awesome driver, he has given me at least one thing to look forward to about going to school and going to work throughout the semester. He has helped me with office stuff, teaching me the ropes and walking me through some of the harder tasks. He has helped me with UH stuff in general, giving me advice on professors and classes to take and what to expect throughout the semester. 

In these two, I have found amazing and (hopefully!) lifelong friends. In these two, I have found thoughtful and trustworthy brothers I can depend on. If anyone were to ask me to list names of people with whom I would trust my life, both of their names would be included. 

But, sadly, with the end of this fall semester comes bitter goodbyes. Andre has flown back to New Jersey and will be transferring to a school nearer his home. Who am I going to ask about my hair? With whom will I have a supernatural experience with? (Andre has a third eye.) Who is going to SNIFF MY HAIR AND NOD IN APPROVAL BECAUSE IT SMELLS SO GOOD? It won't be the same without Andre. I mean, it will still be fun. But not in the same Andre-fun way.

Scott will be flying to Disney World soon for a semester-long internship with Disney. I cannot think of anyone more deserving of a position at the happiest place on Earth than the happiest and most caring person alive. Although I am extremely excited and happy for Scott to embark on this awesome opportunity, I am also very sad that he will be far away this semester. Who am I going to ask for help in the office? Who is going to cover up for me when I make mistakes? Who is going to pick up our Starbucks coffees and show everyone in the office love and awesomeness?

I am incredibly excited for the both of them to be taking new opportunities and heartbroken that those opportunities are far away. But there is Instagram, and Facebook, and blogging (you can follow Scott at and, of course, the hope that I shall very soon be with them again. 

Risks: 38 (TWO DURING FINALS WEEK OMG. Oh and also, my hair guys.)Hugs: I spent the day in Iolani today so....LOTSAHUGSCurrent food obsessions/cravings: so much foodPlaylists on Repeat: Singer-Songwriter Stuffies
Books Read Since Graduation: 6 (ALMOST DONE WITH LET IT SNOW!)


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