Sunday, December 9, 2012

The House with the Sycamore Tree

Hello everyone, I hope everyone had a better week than I did!

This week was hell week for me and the only good thing about it is that it's OVER. Well, that's not the only good thing, not really. But anyway, let's do a rundown of all the bad stuff to get all of that out of the way and then we can focus on the good stuff!

Bad Stuff--Be Gone!
I had a bunch of stuff due because four of my six classes don't have actual sit-down-and-take-a-test finals. Instead we have final papers. So I had three of them due this week. One was due on Monday, that was for AMST 150, my sort-of-like-APUSH class, and that wasn't so bad. That was cake. 

Then on Wednesday, I had en essay due for my econ class which was for extra credit which I really need. It was basically the entire financial crisis explained in, like, three pages. As much as I hated doing it, and as much as I do not enjoy econ class, I am actually thankful that I took the class because now I actually know what's going on and I can say that I know what a sub-prime mortgage is and I feel smart that I know what a collateralized debt obligation is. NERD WIN. 

Then on Thursday, I had to turn in my final paper for my other American Studies class, and that one was cake, too. So much cake that I actually finished it Monday night and turned it in at 2am early Tuesday morning. Why did I do that? Because, also, on Thursday, I had to submit two journal entries and take three quizzes for my linguistics class, which I did on time. After, my teacher was like, "Wait, you did one extra quiz. You're supposed to take 14, but you took 15. A+ Jen!" and I was like, "Yayy! Thanks ok bye!" Also, two chapters' worth of homework for econ.

Thursday was the last day of classes because December 7 was Pearl Harbor Day so UH gave it to us as a study day. I was planning on sleeping in and then working on my huge final paper for political science, but no. I went to work for four hours until noon and then walked back to the dorms. THEN I worked on my paper. I had been struggling with this paper for weeks because I had no idea what to write about. And when I finally got my question approved, my research went nowhere because I could not find anything about my topic. So I had to change it, and that happened twice, and I actually ended up changing it, like, Friday night, as well, in the interest of time. I hated it a lot just because it was giving me such a hard time when it shouldn't and also, I couldn't go to Josh's Winter Concert because of it. I couldn't stay up anymore on Friday night so I went to bed and I actually forgot to set an alarm, but thankfully, I woke up by chance at 6:15am and went straight to work all the way until 9:57am when I clicked "Send"--it was due at 10am and I had only started working on the Bibliography at around 9:35ish and I was like, "OH MY GOD I NEED TO GET THESE CITATIONS IN THERE!" So I went through it really quickly, saved, and then emailed it. After I made sure that it went through, I literally threw myself face-down on the carpet and cried obnoxiously, growled at myself for putting myself through that, and made unattractive whale sounds for a good twenty minutes. Then I patted my laptop for being such a trooper this week and rewarded her with a full 36 hours of rest that she deserves. And for the rest of the day, I worked mindlessly on Josh's parols and watched Iron Chef, which I continued to do today before my mom dropped me off earlier this afternoon. Such is my life.

I only have two finals this week and my first one is the religion final on Tuesday. And then econ on Friday. I CAN DO THIS. ALMOST THERE.

Okay, now for the good stuff. On Tuesday, I found out that the Taco Bell on campus was having a 10 for $10 deal. So, of course, I had to get tacos. So I did. And I shared them with the office because I couldn't eat them all, of course. Then I met up with Rebecca after work and we went over and sat by the "Japanese garden" on campus and ate tacos by the water. Then we took the more exciting way back to the dorms which included having to climb down to the stream and then following a path that you could kinda see along the water. I will not bother to describe it when you can just watch it! We vlogged as we walked.

That was also the afternoon that I napped. We got back to the dorms at around 6 and I went straight to sleep and I didn't wake up until it was almost 9. I set an alarm but when I woke up, I had no idea who I was, where I was, or why in the world I was hearing an obnoxious beeping coming from the shelf above my head for a good minute or so. Then I remembered and I got up to do the work I talked about above.

On Wednesday, I basically spent the day just working in Rebecca's studio. And then Rebecca and I went to Manoa Safeway, which took way longer than expected. And that was adventure-ish. Kinda. No, maybe not. 

Then Rebecca, Andre, and I went out for tea on Thursday night which was fun because we finished one of our stamp cards and we actually felt that it was worth it to get the bowl of ice cream hearts since Andre was with us. I worked on econ homework and Rebecca was typing, I think. And Andre was the obligatory unproductive one because he was basically done with the semester, so he was playing video games. 

Then I already talked about my Friday adventures. 

*sigh* I can't wait for this week to be over so I can have Lounge Days. And Reading Days. I really miss reading. I plan to do that a lot this winter break.

Okay, I think that's enough for now, I have to go and grab take-out from the dining hall. Go and watch Kendall's two videos about his book and skating and then watch mine about our "hike." Which I will upload right after I post this.

Risks: 35 (Yeah, I'm gonna count the hike...just because we could have died but we didn't...)
Current food obsessions/cravings: food in general because it's dinner time...
Playlists on Repeat: Split! (Revised)
Books Read Since Graduation: 6


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