Sunday, December 2, 2012

Me in A Song?

Hi everyone!

Like Kendall, I won't go too much into NaNoWriMo and Vlogvember here in this blog post just because our last vlogs were both over ten minutes long! Both are done! I think, as a team, we both did pretty well. And we both had fun, that's what counts.

Also like Kendall, I only have one more week of classes left. So after this week, we have finals week. I only have two actual sit-down-and-take-a-test-for-two-hours finals because for my other classes, I have final papers to submit well before finals week. Yep, all three are due this week (one tomorrow, one of Thursday, and the other on Saturday). And then for my Linguistics class, I have to pass seven quizzes and write two journal entries by Thursday. Yikes!

In response to Kendall's comment about Rom Coms: Come on man. I love rom coms as much as you do, but this is crunch time. Get it together man! But you're not the only one. Anyssay and her roommate, Marina, have been having weekly Movie Nights in their room every Thursday and they've been watching rom coms too! 

Hahaha, although I shouldn't be one to talk. I actually watched "How To Train Your Dragon" for the first time this weekend and it was so cute! Also, I started "The Holiday" but did not finish. And then there was the Gilmore Girls half-marathon while I was working on my American Studies paper......WHAT IS WRONG WITH US INTERROBANG.

So please forgive us that we have skimpy posts. We clearly are cracking so much under pressure that we are turning to rom coms, mindless TV, and animated motion pictures. 

Okay bye for now!

Risks: 34 
Current food obsessions/cravings: none...I think I'm losing my love for food...
Playlists on Repeat: Split, Starred, Serendipity
Books Read Since Graduation: 6


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