Thursday, December 31, 2015

We've Got No Time for Getting Old; Mortal Body Timeless Soul

It's New Years Eve. Guys. 2015 is over. When did that happen. A lot happened this year and I don't even know. This year there was a lot of trial and error. I failed. Kind of a lot. But I also succeeded. Way more than I ever have. Literally, the most happened this year. I tore it up while I was at school this year. I taught classes this year. I felt the love of the SPO family more than ever. I went to Asia and had my first real international adventure and it was incredible. I started working for Disney and spent 4 month of my life at one of the most amazing places in the world. I became close to so many new and great people. The other day, I was thinking about what I'm doing when I get back to school and how I'm nervous about doing something new and I had THAT feeling inside me. But then I thought. Wait. This feeling is familiar. That's the feeling I felt when I went to Texas by myself Spring Break. That's the feeling I felt when I drove up to school in my fancy teacher clothes knowing that I was stepping foot on that familiar campus as something completely different than ever before. That's the feeling I felt when I got off the plane in Seoul. That's the feeling I felt when I got to Disney. That's the feeling I felt on my first day off training not knowing what to do. That's the feeling I felt going into a relationship for the first time. This year was completely full of fear and not knowing what's going to happen. So when I was thinking about the future and felt that feeling, I realized that I've gotten past that. New things can be scary. We can internalize that fear and let it consume us or we can use it. Let it empower us. New things are scary, but then they become familiar and comfortable. I'm ready for what's coming next. I may know less about what I'm doing then I did before. I may be an even bigger mess than ever before. I may have no clue where I'm going. But I'm ready. I'm ready for the unknown. I'm ready for the future.
Last year, I said 
"I know that this is cliche and it's what everyone says about every year, but 2015 is it. It's THE year. I don't know why yet, but I know. And I kind of have to too. If I think 2015 is going to be a crap year, am I really giving it a chance to be great? No. 2015 is going to be the year. My year. And I can't wait for it."
This is so true. 2015 was what I made of it and I made it the best. It's a self fulfilling prophecy. 2015 was THE year. But now, it's 2016's turn. And it will be THE year. Again. But better. So here's to whatever 2016 brings. Here's to the mess. Here's to the adventures. Here's to the ups and the downs and the food. I know this whole blog thing has kind of become extinct, but I find comfort knowing that this is here and it will continue to be here. So thank you fam. For this year. For every year before. And every year to come. 

<3 Kendall

Saturday, September 26, 2015

I'm Still Here

So. It's been a while. The last time I posted was at the end of April. And oh god. So much has happened since then. Honestly, so much has happened this whole year. Why am I here again? Well. I watched Naomi and Ely's No Kiss List tonight. And, well, we know that that story is very triggering for me. (Quick review though, the movie made me very uncomfortable, more cause of what it meant to me, but as a movie it was pretty good, I live for Victoria Justice that's why probably). 

This blog is an interesting place. We've been using it since our 10th grade year. Like, it's been around for forever. And while it started as a place for Jen and I to connect and let our friendship grow, I think it became a place for both of us to grow. I've written so much on here. A lot of it may be vague or not make sense to most people or just plain boring nonsense, but I've put it all out on here. I LOVE going back and reading what I've said. This is a place where I take all my jumbled thoughts and try to make sense out of them and reliving the realizations that I once made make things clear again. So I'm gonna do just that, I'm gonna put it all out there. 

What happened in April left me numb. I wouldn't say I was sad or happy. I didn't feel like something was missing but I didn't feel complete. It didn't feel real. It felt like a temporary blank space in my life that would quickly change. But as time went on. It didn't. And I learned quickly that I had to fill that space myself. I had a lot of fun in those few months still at school. Yeah, I probably was way more problematic than I should have been. After my birthday, I admittedly drank way too much and had some really crazy nights. I became obsessed with a lot of new things like Marvel and video games and everything. I took a risk with a boy and got let down. I spent a lot of nights walking, thinking, trying to feel. I let myself immerse into the bunch and just let go. I completely let go and had my neck destroyed and dealt with the consequences with my aunt and cousin and then had to just let everything out. I jumped in the fountain, drank hards watching the city, I hid, I danced, I sang. I won a contest and had one of the best days of my life and it was mine. Those few months were a complete mess and they were new and fun and ridiculous and difficult but it was what I needed. 

Then I came back home. Except instead of coming home like before, it was so different. It was an unfamiliar familiarity. I was in a new house, in a new bed, surrounded by new walls. I was thrust into new positions given new responsibilities by familiar people. It was terrifying, but so rewarding. I taught two classes. I got to know students and tried to connect to them and learn about them and be the role model they needed. I was with people I had known before but we were all together in a different way. The office was such a different but stronger family. Jen was back and it felt so good to have her there. Everything about this summer was new but it was, again, what I needed. From meeting the Yamamotos, to being stupid with Jen, Courtney, and Josh, to being stupid with Tiffany, Rebecca, and Gavin, to getting to know Mini, to freaking out about my trip, to getting my wisdom teeth out, to creating beautiful moments, it didn't entirely feel like home, but it didn't feel bad. I don't know what feels like home anymore. I don't know if anything will feel like home again. 

Then I went on my trip. I really forget that that happened most of the time. The trip was so incredible. I saw the world. That's honestly the dream. I did so much and actually grew so much. Going with Kirk was, again, so unfamiliarly familiar. He had been someone in my life for so long, but letting him in like that was so new and exactly what I needed. I experienced so much. I realized how easy it is, to just go, even by myself. The world was ready for me. 

And then I was back home for a minute just to come here. To California. I've been here for a month and there is so much to feel about it. It's a new bubble. When I got here, it was so overwhelming I couldn't do it. But the thing was, I was able to adjust so quickly. Everything I've done this year has been getting used to new and unfamiliar situations. I remember being so scared the first night I slept in my dorm freshman year, my first night away from home in an unfamiliar bed. But now, it seems like that's all I do. It's sad, but it's what I'm able to do and that's good. Being here and working at Disney has been almost not real. Being surrounded by all these new people has been weird and uncomfortable, but it's also been good. It makes me feel apart of something. And to top it all off, this whole experience has basically been defined by Ryan. This is so new to me and I don't know what I'm doing or how any of this works, but he feels right. 

I have so many people in my life. So many great, incredible, wonderful people and that has been so obvious to me these past few months and I'm so grateful and happy about that. There is so much love in my life and I'm so lucky. But I can't help but feel alone in it all. I still don't know what I'm doing or where I'm going. I don't know what's going to happen next and I'm terrified about that. But that's all okay. Everyday I tell myself that it's a good life. I actually have an incredible life. So much is good in my life and everyday is worth it. Nothing feels familiar anymore and I think that's what scares me the most. But I'm learning how to deal with that and how to use that. Most days I think about life pre April. Even though it sucked, it felt familiar, it felt normal. I think I'm still scared of living life on my own. I know that this is all for the best and I'm actually really happy, but it will still be scary. And that's okay. I'll find that again one day. Better yet, I'll make it myself. 

Books Read: 6 (I wanna say that's right. Too lazy to check...)
Airplanes Ridden: 20 
Concerts Attended: 26

Thursday, April 30, 2015

Wake Up You Need To Make Money

Wow. This is the first BEDA since 2010 that we just did horribly. But that's okay. Because life happens. 

I don't know. Today was cool. I saw my parents, got new clothes, watched the beautiful thing that was the Avengers (I can't start talking about it because once I start I won't be able to stop). 

As a whole, I don't know, this month has been interesting. It's been the start of a lot of new things that I have ahead of me. It's been a glimpse into what my life can be like. It's been good, but it could have been better. I'm ready to make it better. 

Times Eaten at Chipotle: 2
Books Read: 4
Airplanes Ridden: 10
Concerts Attended: 25

Wednesday, April 29, 2015

We Would Build a Rocket Ship and Then We’d Fly it Far Away


So like, I was thinking about today (which, by the way, was a super long and stressful and tiring day that isn't even close to being done by the way) how pretty soon, everything that was once familiar and like before will be gone. After this summer, which will be the last taste of what my life was like before, everything will be new and different. And this terrifies me but is also so exciting. In a way I can start new. I can finally do what I want to do and be the person I want to be. I may not know exactly what I want or what I want to do or where I want to be, but I know what I want to strive towards and while I'm sad to leave familiarities behind, it'll be okay because the future will be so much better. I sometimes get so restless because I want so bad to be somewhere else. I want to be past all this. I want the future. But it's not all about where you end up, but it's also about how you get there. And I'm getting there. I need to use that. I need to take advantage of that. I may not have it all figured out, but things are looking up and I can't wait. 

Times Eaten at Chipotle: 1
Books Read: 4
Airplanes Ridden: 10
Concerts Attended: 25

Tuesday, April 28, 2015

My Name's Blurryface and I Care What You Think

Hey guys. You know. BEDA is hard. Life is hard. This month has been a time. But I'm here, finishing strong. (Thanks B). 

I don't know, today was a day. First, just dealing with Stressed Out coming out last night. Like, ugh, I can't with this life sometimes. Also, I went to tutor today again. It went well, I'm a lot more worried about tomorrow because one of my classes is an AP Calc class and I don't know any of the material and I'm no help at all. But oh well. Also, Agents of SHIELD is too much. Marvel is too much. I really can't deal with it. Ugh. 

Today was also just interesting dealing with life. I don't know. I'm not in a bad place, I'm just in a place to get my life together and do something meaningful. It will happen. Also, I just thought it was serendipitous that I found out Jen and I would be working together again. That's news that I needed. This summer will honestly be incredible and I can't wait. 

Life man. 

Times Eaten at Chipotle: 1
Books Read: 4
Airplanes Ridden: 10
Concerts Attended: 25

Monday, April 27, 2015

Letter to Myself 2015

Dear Kendall (April 27, 2016),

This certainly has been a year, hasn't it? There were ups, downs, twists, turns, so much life happened and I don't even know what to say about it all. You continued to do what you love, I'll give you that. You went to more concerts than I can count. You went on 5 different trips. You found new things. You learned new things. You failed. You got back up. You grew. It's almost a little serendipitous that today would be the day that I have to write this letter. It's the day I walked around after work. A lot. And I thought. A lot. I had a plan this past year. It didn't work out. I still haven't gotten to where I want to be. But the thing is, I can see it coming. I have so many big plans and exciting things coming in the future and I know it will be amazing. Every single one of those things that I wanted for you last year, I still want for you. I'll always want those things for you. But I think that this years has been a time to figure out how to do that.  I've made a lot of mistakes along the way, but that's okay. I'll learn from them. In the next year, I want to see things really pop off. I mean, even in the past few weeks you've done things I never could have imagined. I don't really know what is going to happen. Where I'm going to go. What I'm going to do. But, I know that you will make the most of it. You will do the right thing, even if it's not easy. Everything that's happened so far has happened for a reason. To get me somewhere. I may not know where that place is right now, but I'll figure it out, I know I will. Most importantly, I want you to make others happy, and that includes yourself. It's our job to find joy in our lives, and I want you to find as much joy in as many people as you can. And Kendall, you can do this. 

Kendall (April 27, 2015)

Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Stand Up Say Hallelujah

Life is full of choices. For the longest time I've been making surprising similar choices in everything I do. But the past few weeks, I've been doing differently. I've made really strange and unique choices. I've acted irrationally. I've taken risks. I've reevaluated. I've decided what's really important to me. I've made new choices. Maybe I feel good about things because they're just different. Maybe it's because I hated what I was doing before. But it feels good. I'm not saying that I've completely changed everything. I'm not a brand new person. No. I haven't changed. I've just learned. I've gained a new perspective.  I've decided to take things into my own hands. Things may not go according not to plan. They may not work out the way you want them to. But that's okay, because they will work out the way they were meant to. I'm not saying that we don't have control of our own fates, because we absolutely do. If we want something done or changed, it's up to us to make that happen. But there are also things out of our own control. And we have to trust that whatever happens is for the best. Everyday we make choices. From the tiniest and most insignificant to the biggest and most influential. But they're all important. I've been making different choices lately. I don't know where it will lead me or where I will go. I don't know what will happen or what will change. But my choices are mine and I plan on making ones that pursue my own happiness. While also helping as many other people as I can. I know that I will help others. And that that's what I'm supposed to do. But I can't do that if there's no me. So right now, I'm choosing me. 

Times Eaten at Chipotle: (I honestly have lost count #sorry) 

Books Read: 4
Airplanes Ridden: 10
Concerts Attended: 25

Wednesday, April 8, 2015

You've Never Been So Divine In Accepting Your Defeat

I didn't blog yesterday. Sorry not sorry? Life man. I really haven't even been doing anything this week. I don't know, I just have a lot of thoughts all the time and I'm trying to figure them out and figure out life, but it's hard, you know? I don't know what I'm doing most of the time, but that's alright, isn't it? I hope it is at least.

Times Eaten at Chipotle: 2 
Books Read: 4
Airplanes Ridden: 10
Concerts Attended: 25

Monday, April 6, 2015

My Heart is My Armor

Hey guys. 

All I have to say is: Birthday Week.

Started it off with Red Robin. 


Times Eaten at Chipotle: 1 
Books Read: 4
Airplanes Ridden: 10
Concerts Attended: 25

Sunday, April 5, 2015

Sometimes You’ve Got to Bleed to Know, That You're Alive and Have a Soul

Hey guys,

Life man.

Today, I went to church with my aunt. Then we went to visit my grandpa. Facetimed the world. Ate at Taco Bell, then came back. I watched like 4 episodes of Agents of Shield (OMG guys it's so good I've been living/dying).

Then, I knew today that the new twenty one pilots song, Tear in My Heart, was supposed to come out, and it did. And like. Ugh. Okay, their first single of this album, Fairly Local, is so emo and intense and I love it and it's everything. But I know, like I wrote a 10 page paper on it, that they don't really have a genre, but the sound of this new song is so completely different and I don't even understand how this can happen but I love it so much. Also, the fact that this is like the very first love song that Tyler has ever really released. Like, he doesn't write love songs. But it's so adorable and everything, especially since him and Jenna got married last week. And then she's in the video?!?! Like, who are you feeling like? Oh god, I just love it all so much and I can't really even deal with it.  

Times Eaten at Chipotle: 1 
Books Read: 4
Airplanes Ridden: 10
Concerts Attended: 25

Saturday, April 4, 2015

I Could Never Save You

Hey guys.

I missed a day. Yeah, that happened. Oh well.

This week was the reintroduction to school. It's been stressful because I don't even fully have everything set yet. But I've been watching a lot of Agents of Shield, so that's cool. Like, literally, I'm so deep in the MCU right now. Like, it's incredible. I can't even. Life man.

Sometimes I wonder what I'm doing. Like, what's the point of anything that I'm doing. Not that I ever really come up with a great answer to that question. Like, I always just think that I need to get through right now to get to something better. I don't know if I'll ever get to a point where I'm content with just right there, but let's hope I do. Because I have to. 

I don't know, it's late and I have to get up early tomorrow. Dueces my friends. 

Times Eaten at Chipotle: 1 
Books Read: 4
Airplanes Ridden: 10
Concerts Attended: 25

Thursday, April 2, 2015

I Caught You Watching Me Under the Light

Hey guys!

Today happened. That was a thing. I don't know, what even are days? Live happens, man. 

So, you know how I just got back from Texas like two days ago? Well, Texas is stupid and it doesn't want to let people leave. I got three bug bites, which, on a normal day, is a little cumbersome at most, but in Texas, it caused my entire leg to swell up and hurt. A lot. It's bad cause one is right where my shoe goes to on my heel and another is on the back of my leg where my jeans rub up against. Needless to say, walking to and from class has not been very fun. I've been putting stuff on it, but like, Texas, you need to calm that down. Okay? 

Times Eaten at Chipotle: 1 
Books Read: 4
Airplanes Ridden: 10
Concerts Attended: 25

Wednesday, April 1, 2015

My Body Will Be Stronger

Hey guys...

It's been a little while, hasn't it. But guess what, it's April. Which means BEDA. Which means this is happening.

These past few weeks have been really weird and interesting. It started with finals, which were dumb, but I got through it, but not really. My spring break was all over the place, I instagramed for 10 days straight (seriously, go check it out), I went to LA and saw the same band twice AND went to Disneyland with the Bunch, and I went to Texas and visited my cousin and family. Honestly, it was such a perfect and great spring break and it was exactly what I needed. 

But now I'm back. I've had to make some tough decisions, and I'm still scared about my future and don't know what's going to happen, but I'm going to take it one thing at a time, which means this quarter. I have high hopes. Things are going to go in my favor because I'm going to make them. 

This is going to be a good month, a good quarter, a good life. It has to be. I'm so ready for it. 

Times Eaten at Chipotle: 1 (Let's start over since I totally lost count)
Books Read: 4
Airplanes Ridden: 10
Concerts Attended: 25

Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Sad Musings

There are times when the sadness and anxiety that sit inside me awaken and rattle my bones, catching me by surprise with their sudden and inexplicable timing. It comes slowly, burdening my shoulders slightly before the weight creeps down to my chest where the two sit as close friends, breathing silently, heavily. And with each heave, I see the people whom I love let me down. I see the faces of those for whom I care fade away. I see the cobblestones of the path I'm paving for myself and subsequently walk on suddenly break apart into an open abyss. They force me to sit down, tricking me into thinking that I'd be able to catch my breath by doing so, only to realize that the loss of momentum is the trap. Their trap. The idle silence that makes me think that yes, it is as bad as it seems and there is no getting out of it.

Monday, March 2, 2015

A Different Kind of Perfect

Hey guys.

Remember when I talked about my "Perfect Month"? Well. That came and went. But not in a bad way. 

The past month was probably one of the most interesting and challenging that I've ever had. Literally, everything happened starting from the second I published that post, my entire month changed. Now, I don't mean that in a bad way at all. I was challenged this month, everyone in my life was in some way or another. But that's alright. 

God so much happened and I can't even talk about all of it. I got upset this month. Scared. Frustrated. Excited. Sad. Curious. And hopeful. The universe just kept throwing thing after thing at me. I honestly found myself questioning what I was doing almost everyday. I still don't know what I'm doing. I'm scared about the future and my life and the people in it. But that's alright. This month showed me how important people in my life and how much any and all of us can accomplish. 

I can't help but to think how much has changed over the past few years. I sometimes wish things were as easy as they were before, but then I realize that even though things can be tough sometimes, it's just an opportunity to do better. To make things better. There are so many things I can do. I have so much opportunity and potential. My life is honestly what I make it. 

In life, we're constantly faced with decisions, no mater where you are or what you're doing, you have choices to make that will impact everything. Whether that's how to respond to a text, what to say after you are singing and dancing in your room alone and nervous, what to do when you make a blanket fort, what to do with your future, how to get your homework done and still have time for everything else, how to deal with the wandering eyes across the room, how to show people that you care about them, and even how to keep your sanity alive and thriving. I made a lot of choices this month. Some may have been wrong, but that's part of the process. It doesn't mater that I'm 20, or if I was 15, or even 50. You are constantly learning and growing.

I learned a lot this month. It may not have been the "Perfect Month" that I had dreamed of, but it was definitely perfect in it's own way. While things in life may not be the ideal perfect (and they honestly never will be), I'm ready to make the most of what I do have. I'm ready to take life and make it all count. I'm ready to show that to the people in life and that they are just a part of it as I am. I'm ready to go. And all because this month was it's own kind of perfect.

Times Eaten at Chipotle: 14
Books Read: 3
Airplanes Ridden: 6
Concerts Attended: 23

Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Let Go of Everything

The Perfect Month.

That's what this is. What, you don't believe me? Take a look: 
Four weeks exactly, perfectly aligned. No awkward extra line for one day. Just 4 weeks. Sunday to Saturday. One. Perfect. Month.

I don't think you understand how excited my soul is for this tiny little victory for all Horologists and for all people. That's what this is to me. A little victory. It may be silly or stupid. Insignificant and unnecessary. But it means something to me. It makes me feel something, regardless of how small. That's what I'm here for, right? That's what I'm passionate about. That's my goal. To make people feel something through the smallest of things. 

Life has been interesting lately. I've grown and changed and learned new things. It hasn't been easy but I'm starting to gain sight towards what's important to me again. And I mean that in every possible regard. Life is happening fast (hence not posting for 3 weeks, there was a lot of school, and a little Chicago in there, if you want to hear/see more about that, look at my instagram or my tumblr). I'm realizing more and more how I'm not going to be here soon. I'm going to have to start my own life. And that life includes this. 

I don't have exact specifications for this. February has always been an especially givey/small thing type month. (Look back at Februrary 2012 if you don't believe me). I have plans. I'm making moves. But the bottom line remains what it always has been: I want people to feel how I feel when I think about this month. I want to give people little victories. I want to make moments. I want to harvest smiles. I don't know how this is going to work. Or what this means, but I promise to keep you updated and posted. Life is happening. And I want to be sure that it happens with the best me that I can give. 

Here's to a perfect little month of perfect little victories. 

Times Eaten at Chipotle: 6
Books Read: 2
Airplanes Ridden: 6
Concerts Attended: 23

Monday, January 12, 2015

I Can Move Mountains, I Can Work A Miracle

Hey guys!

Sorry for the slightly belated post, shoutout to B for reminding me though. Twice. 

This week was so stressful and I didn't even go to school. I went to Iolani a few times to figure out my life. It was good. This summer is going to be literally insane for me, so much is going to happen and I don't really think I'm ready for it, but I'm excited. Life is happening.

Then I was helping to finish up move. Moving houses is stressful. Like. Really stressful. I'm just glad we're done (kind of).

On Thursday I flew back to Seattle, got picked up by B and went to Taco Bell, duh.

Friday, I went to class for the first time. I realized how much work this quarter is going to be, but that's okay, because there is only 2 more. I can do this. 

Then I hung out with Gavin, Rebecca, and Jaime. We went snow tubing on Saturday  which was a decent amount of fun and not as cold as I thought it would be. Then on the drive to Olive Garden, we saw a laser tag place and immediately pulled over. It was the most legit laser tag place ever, oh my god it was incredible. Then we went and ate Olive Garden. Then we watched the Hobbit in IMAX 3D. I spent a lot of money on Saturday... But it was worth it.

This whole year is just going to be insane. But I'm ready for it. Kind of. I don't know, it's finally time for me to start. 

Why This Week Was Awesome: New Year

Times Eaten at Chipotle: 1
Books Read: 0
Airplanes Ridden: 2
Concerts Attended: 22

Sunday, January 4, 2015

And It's Our Time Now If You Want It To Be

Hey guys.

Woah. 2015. When did that happen... But really, when did that happen. I don't know. This week has been hectic with moving and life and everything. But that's alright. Jen's post was incredible, can I just say. Ugh. She's just incredible. 

Packing up my things has been interesting. I mean, I kind of did it this summer because I didn't know when moving was going to happen. But now knowing that these are my last few nights in this house. In this room. In this bed. It's strange. I know that things have been changing and life has been going on, but this is kind of the final straw. My last tie to what life was. New things are happening. It's scary. It's not familiar. It's uncertain. But at the same time that's what's great about it. I'm so incredibly excited about this year. It may be tough at times, but I expect big things. I may not know exactly what, but that's alright. It will come together. It will work out. I'm excited for the unknown. I think that's what's been keeping me going. I want to go out there. I want to start life. And as scary as that might be at times, we have to move on. Things have to grow and change. And I'm so excited for it. 

Why This Week Was Awesome: New Year

Times Eaten at Chipotle: 0 
Books Read: 0
Airplanes Ridden: 0
Concerts Attended: 22