Sunday, January 4, 2015

And It's Our Time Now If You Want It To Be

Hey guys.

Woah. 2015. When did that happen... But really, when did that happen. I don't know. This week has been hectic with moving and life and everything. But that's alright. Jen's post was incredible, can I just say. Ugh. She's just incredible. 

Packing up my things has been interesting. I mean, I kind of did it this summer because I didn't know when moving was going to happen. But now knowing that these are my last few nights in this house. In this room. In this bed. It's strange. I know that things have been changing and life has been going on, but this is kind of the final straw. My last tie to what life was. New things are happening. It's scary. It's not familiar. It's uncertain. But at the same time that's what's great about it. I'm so incredibly excited about this year. It may be tough at times, but I expect big things. I may not know exactly what, but that's alright. It will come together. It will work out. I'm excited for the unknown. I think that's what's been keeping me going. I want to go out there. I want to start life. And as scary as that might be at times, we have to move on. Things have to grow and change. And I'm so excited for it. 

Why This Week Was Awesome: New Year

Times Eaten at Chipotle: 0 
Books Read: 0
Airplanes Ridden: 0
Concerts Attended: 22


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