Tuesday, April 28, 2015

My Name's Blurryface and I Care What You Think

Hey guys. You know. BEDA is hard. Life is hard. This month has been a time. But I'm here, finishing strong. (Thanks B). 

I don't know, today was a day. First, just dealing with Stressed Out coming out last night. Like, ugh, I can't with this life sometimes. Also, I went to tutor today again. It went well, I'm a lot more worried about tomorrow because one of my classes is an AP Calc class and I don't know any of the material and I'm no help at all. But oh well. Also, Agents of SHIELD is too much. Marvel is too much. I really can't deal with it. Ugh. 

Today was also just interesting dealing with life. I don't know. I'm not in a bad place, I'm just in a place to get my life together and do something meaningful. It will happen. Also, I just thought it was serendipitous that I found out Jen and I would be working together again. That's news that I needed. This summer will honestly be incredible and I can't wait. 

Life man. 

Times Eaten at Chipotle: 1
Books Read: 4
Airplanes Ridden: 10
Concerts Attended: 25


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