Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Let Go of Everything

The Perfect Month.

That's what this is. What, you don't believe me? Take a look: 
Four weeks exactly, perfectly aligned. No awkward extra line for one day. Just 4 weeks. Sunday to Saturday. One. Perfect. Month.

I don't think you understand how excited my soul is for this tiny little victory for all Horologists and for all people. That's what this is to me. A little victory. It may be silly or stupid. Insignificant and unnecessary. But it means something to me. It makes me feel something, regardless of how small. That's what I'm here for, right? That's what I'm passionate about. That's my goal. To make people feel something through the smallest of things. 

Life has been interesting lately. I've grown and changed and learned new things. It hasn't been easy but I'm starting to gain sight towards what's important to me again. And I mean that in every possible regard. Life is happening fast (hence not posting for 3 weeks, there was a lot of school, and a little Chicago in there, if you want to hear/see more about that, look at my instagram or my tumblr). I'm realizing more and more how I'm not going to be here soon. I'm going to have to start my own life. And that life includes this. 

I don't have exact specifications for this. February has always been an especially givey/small thing type month. (Look back at Februrary 2012 if you don't believe me). I have plans. I'm making moves. But the bottom line remains what it always has been: I want people to feel how I feel when I think about this month. I want to give people little victories. I want to make moments. I want to harvest smiles. I don't know how this is going to work. Or what this means, but I promise to keep you updated and posted. Life is happening. And I want to be sure that it happens with the best me that I can give. 

Here's to a perfect little month of perfect little victories. 

Times Eaten at Chipotle: 6
Books Read: 2
Airplanes Ridden: 6
Concerts Attended: 23


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