Sunday, May 1, 2011

Being Friends With You [is] Never Second Best

FUG. This is the second time I'm typing this up! I was halfway done, too, and then I had to go dumb just for a sec and click delete all. All right, entering recreating blog post mode NOW!

My failure to post yesterday was due to my poor planning skills. Kendall has always been better at planning and ordering a schedule than I am (although I'm pretty okay with it myself) which is why I almost always just give him a list of the things I have to do every morning and he decides the order that makes the most sense.

Anyway, yes, my poor planning skills. I woke up at 7am-ish, went to the eye doctor, and then got to school at around 9:30pm for the supposed 10am Physics extra help sesh. Kendall and I had decided to meet at prom site around 5:15pm because we had to take pictures before and the doors opened at 5:30pm. That meant that I had to be ready by 4:50pm at the latest. And since I knew it would take me half an hour to take a shower, about an hour to get my hair done, and maybe another hour for my make-up, this meant that I had to start prepping at 2:20pm. 

I got home at around 2:15pm-ish. And I still hadn't eaten lunch so my pre-prom blog posting plans went out the window. So, I'm sorry.

Junior prom was fun. We did two things on The List in one night. WIN. Go to prom together? Check. Slow dance together? Check. 

I guess the overall theme was good. I thought that because the theme was "A Night of Mystery," the night would be set up like a Clue game. You know, like, a random chaperone or junior would be chosen as the killer beforehand. Announcements about mysterious deaths of prom attendees would be made throughout the night. Murder weapons would be discovered in the bathrooms. Each prom couple would  to work together to find cleverly planted clues around the ballroom to catch the mystery killer. Maybe mini detective badges or fancy magnifying glasses for party favors and/or centerpieces? That would have been AWESOME.

Anyway, yes, prom was fun. We didn't win any of the prizes, but we got all but one of the right answers for the mystery boxes! And, of course, was table #7 the Winner's Table? Yeah, I think it was. Also, I didn't spend the night scratching my wrist. Heh! Thanks Kendall!

Which brings me to my next point: I probably wouldn't have had so much fun if Kendall hadn't been my date. Awesome YAYs for . . . 
**Note: Quotes may not be completely word-for-word accurate.**
1) No wrist-scratching!
2) Matching (duh) purple colors =)
3) Dancing: 
  a. Kendall: "Six o'clock!" 
      Jen: "Wait, MY six o'clock or YOUR six o'clock?" 
  b. Kendall: "Whoa, really awkward dancing there."
  c. Jen: "Okay, I'm kind of in love with BChen."
      Kendall: "Really? Yeah, me too."
  d. Kendall: "When you do that, is it because your arms get tired?"
      Jen: "Yeah. You're too tall."
  e. Kendall: "Ope, grumpy-slash-not-happy face!"
4) Good dinner (minus those nasty pineapples, of course)
5) (Hopefully not) Awkward couple prom picture and beating the long line:
--Photographer's assistant: "Okay, pretend like you like each other! Like you will have this moment forever!"
--Kendall and Jen: "Uhhh...."
6) Fitting 25+ people in one prom group picture!!!
7) Jen: "Here, hold my dress!"
     Kendall: "Uhh, um, whatttt?? Okaaayy."
8) Kendall: "Yeah, man, it's not about the game at all. It's all about winning."
9) *DJ starts playing a reggae song*
     *Kendall and Jen look at each other*
     Jen: "Ew, this isn't music."
     Kendall: "I agree."
     *Kendall and Jen leave the dance floor*
10) Jaime: "Hey, if you and Jen were like Brad and Angelina's Brangelina, you guys would be 
       Kendall [to Jen]: "Haven't we heard that before?"
       Jen: "Yes. Yes we have."
11) MOTRIN MAGIC SAVED OUR NIGHT! (Haha, Me and You and My Medication...)

Thanks for an awesome night, Kendall. Bests forevs, man. FOREVS!

Today (and yesterday, too)......
I really loved...
(Saturday) PROM!
(Sunday) agar-agar!
I smiled because...
(Friday) I aced my Physics quiz. 100 percent, man.
(Saturday) of schadenfreude (due to the inconsideration of others).
(Sunday) haha, matching profile pics win.
Lyrics playing at this very moment as I type this portion of the blog:
"If it's just a game, then I like the way that we play. I'm falling in love. Let's fall in love hard..."
(Into Your Arms by The Maine)
Hours of sleep last night: almost 10!
Times it got COLD:
(Saturday) Gah, turn that AC down!
(Sunday) 0!
Friends of the day (in no particular order): 
(Saturday) Shayne, KIRSTEN PETERSON, Kendall, the Prom Gods, and KIRSTEN PETERSON
(Sunday) Google Translate

--Jen :)

P.S. I updated the List Pages and About Us.

P.P.S. Oh, how could I forget?! We can also check off BED(April) 2011 on The List!

1 comment:

  1. Friend of the day! I will treasure this honor forever.
